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【2008.8.26】International Symposium on Advanced Magnetic Materials (ISAMM) (2008-8-26)
2008-10-14 | 文章来源:        【 】【打印】【关闭

Program for International Symposium on Advanced Magnetic Materials (ISAMM)

 Aug. 26-27, 2008

Venue: Rm 403, R & D Building, IMR CAS

 Shenyang, China


August 26 (Tuesday)

9:30-9:45     Opening Ceremony

              Welcome address by Deputy Director of IMR, Prof. Huiming Cheng


Workshop Session I


Chair: Prof. Z.D. Zhang

 9:45-10:15  Inverse magnetocaloric effect compounds and its possible applications, Dr. Luana Caron

10:15-10:45  Challenges on magnetic cooling, Dr. L. Zhang


Chair: Prof. G.H. Wu

11:00-11:30  Pressure effects on the thermal hysteresis of Mn1.1Fe0.9P0.8Ge0.2, Dr. O. Tegus

11:30-12:00  Magnetic refrigeration—towards room-temperature applications of MnFePGe compounds,

             Dr. Trung Nguyen  

12:00-14:00  Lunch in IMR Dining Hall


Workshop Session II

Chair: Prof. Peter de Châtel

14:00-14:30  Field-induced martensitic transformation in magnetic shape memory alloy,

             Prof. G.H. Wu

14:30-15:00  The origin of the shadow Fermi surface of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+d, Dr. Y.K. Huang


Chair: Prof. O. Tegus

15:15-15:45  Magnetic nanocapsules, Dr. Z.D. Zhang

15:45-17:00  distinguished speakers, Frank de Boer specially.  

17:00-       Dinner in Tian-tian Restaurant  

August 27 (Wednesday)

Workshop Session II

Chair: Prof. Ekkes Brück

 9:00-9:30   New developments at the National Pulsed Magnetic Field Laboratory in Toulouse,

             Dr. Paul Frings

9:30-10:00   The hydrogen atom revisited: an analytically exact derivation of the g-factor of the

             electron?,  Dr. J. Peerenboom


Chair: Dr. Paul Frings

10:20-10:50  Superconductivity on the border of weak itinerant ferromagnetism in UCoGe,

             Dr.A. Gasparini

10:50-11:20  Magnetic multilayers, Dr. W. Liu

11:20-11:50  Speaker from TU Delft

12:00-14:00  Lunch in IMR Dining Hall

14:00-17:00  Visit of laboratories in IMR

August 28 (Thursday)

Choice of two excursions

Welcome to attend!




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