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【2009.8.30】A Symposium on Educational Methods in Materials Science for Chinese Universities and Industries
2009-02-27 | 文章来源:人事处外办        【 】【打印】【关闭












Monday, 31 August
Venue:  Rm.310, Graduate School, IMR CAS
8:30 - 8:45 Opening: Prof. Rui Yang
            Address of welcome: Prof. Ke Lu and Prof. David Embury
Session I
Chair: Prof. Ke Lu  
8:45-9:35  Presentation (1)
Topic      Education for materials engineers in Canada
           Prof. David Embury
           McMaster University, Canada
9:35-10:25 Presentation (2) 
Topic      Projects and case based learning: a process to teach student science,
           engineering, and innovation
           Prof. Yves Brechet
           Grenoble Institute of Technology (Grenoble-INP), France
10:25-10:40 Group photo & coffee break
Session II
Chair: Prof. David Embury
10:40-11:30 Presentation (3)  
Topic     Interactive case studies for the support of corrosion education
          Prof. Robert A. Cottis
          University of Manchester, UK
11:30-12:20 Presentation (4)         
Topic     Materials education at USTC: a physics and chemistry-based approach
          Prof. Chu-sheng Chen  
          University of Science and Technology of China 
12:30-13:30 Lunch
Session III
Chair: Prof. Yves Brechet
13:40-14:30 Presentation (5)
Topic     A contrast between English and American education styles
          Prof. A.D. Rollett
          Carnegie Mellon University, USA
14:30-15:20 Presentation (6)          
Topic     A comparison of educational methods in France and China
          Prof. Kui Y. Zhang
          Reims University, France
15:20-16:10 Presentation (7)   
Topic     Materials research and development activities at University of Science and
          Technology Beijing, China
          Prof. Ge Wang
          University of Science and Technology Beijing, China
16:10-16:20 Coffee Break
Session IV
Poster Session
Time: 16:20-18:20
Venue: 1st Floor of Graduate School, IMR CAS
18:30-20:00 Welcome Dinner
Tuesday, 1 September
Venue:  Rm.310, Graduate School, IMR CAS
Session V
Chair: Prof. Rui Yang
8:30-9:20 Presentation (8)
Topic:    An Australia-China model for collaborative education and research in materials
          science and engineering
          Prof. Barry Muddle
          Monash University, Australia
9:20-10:10  Presentation (9)
Topic     Teaching of materials science and engineering in China and in the UK: a personal
          Prof. A. Godfrey
          Tsinghua University, China 
10:10-10:25 Coffee break
Session VI
Chair: Prof. A.D. Rollett
10:25-11:15 Presentation (10)  
Topic     Academics and industry: a productive exchange
          Prof. Yves Brechet
          Grenoble Institute of Technology (Grenoble-INP), France
11:15-12:05 Presentation (11)
Topic     Interactions between universities and the steel industry in Canada
          Prof. David Embury
          McMaster University, Canada
12:15-13:30 Lunch
Session VII 
Chair: Prof. Barry Muddle
13:40-14:30 Presentation (12)
Topic     Innovation-oriented graduate education: Challenges in the Chinese context
          Prof. Rui Yang
          Institute of Metal Research, CAS, China
14:30-15:20 Presentation (13)
Topic     Low cost development methods for postgraduate courses in materials
          Robert A. Cottis
          University of Manchester,UK
15:20-15:35 Coffee break
Session VIII  
Chair: Prof. Robert A. Cottis
15:35-17:35 Presentation (14)
            Demonstrate the latest version of the CES system
            Prof. Yves Brechet
            Grenoble Institute of Technology (Grenoble-INP), France
17:35-17:45 Concluding by Prof. David Embury 
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