2002年7月1日,成会明副所长向获得"李薰讲座奖"的美国加州大学伯克利分校John William Morris, Jr.教授颁发了奖牌。
授奖仪式之后,John William Morris, Jr.教授向我所近100位科技人员和研究生作了题为《Elastic Stability and the Limits of Strength》和《The Nature and Consequences of Grain Refinement in Steel》报告,受到与会者的热烈欢迎。
John William Morris, Jr.教授是美国劳伦斯国家实验室高级研究员,美国金属学会、冶金学会、物理学会、日本钢铁学会、国际材联理事,中国科学院金属研究所荣誉教授。他长期从事材料科学研究,撰写专著一部,获专利二项,发表学术论文200多篇。
J. W. Morris, Jr., is Professor of Metallurgy, Materials Science and Mineral Engineering, at the University of California at Berkeley and is also Program Leader, Structural Materials, at the Center for Advanced Materials , Materials Science Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. He received a B.S. in Metallurgical Engineering (1964) and an ScD in Materials Science (1969) both from MIT. He was employed at the Bell Aerospace Company, Buffalo, New York, from 1968-1971 and joined the faculty of Materials Science at the University of California, Berkeley and the staff of the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory in 1971.
Research in Professor Morris' group concerns the design and behavior analysis of metals and alloys that have useful mechanical or electromagnetic properties. Current research projects include the following:
In collaboration with Prof. Daryl Chrzan (MSME) and Profs. Marvin Cohen and Stephen Louie (Physics), we are studying the sources of hardness in ultrahard materials. The research is theoretical, and involves first-principles calculation and simulation of deformation processes in ultrahard materials. The specific materials of interest include transition metal carbides and nitrides and the diamond-like materials.
The perennial search for structural steels with optimal strength/toughness combinations requires that we understand how to preserve ductile fracture and optimize fracture toughness at high strength levels. Our present research is concentrated on the toughness of ultra-high strength Fe-Ni-Mo-Co alloys, which is controlled by a combination of the martensitic microstructure and the residual inclusion content.
The computer model...
The formability of a metal is controlled by two factors: its inherent plasticity, and the friction developed at its interface with the tool piece. Plasticity is, in turn, controlled by the work hardening of the material. Our current research addresses the work hardening of aluminum alloys and its relation to the deformation patterns developed during tensile elongation. Interfacial friction is strongly influenced by the topology of the metal surface. Our current research addresses methods of characterizing surface topology, and the manipulation of surface topology to control forming friction as measured in "draw-bead simulation" tests.
In collaboration with Prof. John Clarke (Physics) and Dr. Kannan Krishnan (National Center for Electron Microscopy) we are studying the applications of high-resolution SQUID microscopy to the non-destructive testing of ferritic steels. Mechanical deformation or subtle microstructural changes in ferritic steels produce changes in local magnetic fields that can be detected by a new high-resolution SQUID microscope invented at Berkeley. The potential of the SQUID microscope is studied through tests on specimens with known thermomechanical history, coupled with high-resolution TEM studies of the magnetic microstructure.
The active elements of microelectronic circuits communicate through narrow, thin-film metallic conductors that transport very high current densities. The high current densities drive mass diffusion which can lead to voiding and failure. We are investigating the rates and microstructural mechanisms of failure in narrow lines through electromigration testing of lines with controlled microstructure and high-resolution TEM analyses of failure sites.
A microelectronic device consists of active microelectronic elements joined together in a package. The elements of the package that are often most critical to reliability are the electrical interconnections, particularly the solder contacts. These provide the mechanical structure as well as the electrical pathways. Our research addresses the microstructures and microstructural mechanisms of deformation and failure in solder contacts that are subject to thermal fatigue. The important metallurgical mechanisms include high temperature creep, creep fatigue and microstructural instability.
complete publication list (click here)
D. Mitlin, V Radmilovic, U. Dahmen and J.W. Morris, Jr., “Precipitation and Hardening in Al-Si-Ge”, Mat. Sci. Eng. A, 301, 232-238 (2001)
D. Mitlin, V Radmilovic, U. Dahmen and J.W. Morris, Jr., “Precipitation and Aging in Al-Si-Ge-Cu”, Met. Trans., 32A, 197-199 (2001)
H.G. Song, J.P. Ahn, A.M. Minor and J.W. Morris, Jr., “Au-Ni-Sn Intermetallic Phase Relationships in Eutectic Pb-Sn Solder Formed on Ni/Au Metallization”, J. Electronic Mat., 30, 409 (2001)
J.W. Morris, Jr., C.R. Krenn, D. Roundy and M.L. Cohen, “Deformation at the Limit of Elastic Stability”, Mat. Sci. Eng. A, 309-310, 121-124 (2001) [invited paper, Dislocations2000, Gaithersburg, June, 2000]
D. Roundy, C.R. Krenn, M.L. Cohen and J.W. Morris, Jr., “The Ideal Strength of Tungsten”, Phil. Mag. A, 81, 1725-1747 (2001)
J.W. Morris, Jr., Z. Guo, C.R. Krenn and Y.H. Kim, “The Limits of Strength and Toughness in Steel”, ISIJ International, 41, 599-611 (2001) (invited paper)
A.M. Minor, E.A. Stach and J.W. Morris, Jr., “Quantitative in situ Nanoindentation of Aluminum Films”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 79, 625 (2001)
M. M. Barney and J.W. Morris, Jr., "Observations of Microstructural Coarsening in Micro Flip-Chip Solder Joints", J. Elec. Mat., 30, 1088-1092 (2001)
C.R. Krenn, D. Roundy, J.W. Morris, Jr. and M.L. Cohen, “The Nonlinear Elastic Behavior and Ideal Shear Strength of Al and Cu”, Mat. Sci. Eng. A, A317, 44-48 (2001)
D. M. Clatterbuck, T. Lee, T. J. Shaw, N. F. Heinig, John Clarke and J.W. Morris, Jr., “Detection of Plastic Deformation Gradients in Steel using Scanning SQUID Microscopy”, IEEE Trans. On Applied Supercond., 11, 1307-10 (2001)
Eric A. Stach, Tony Freeman, Andrew M. Minor, Doug K. Owen, John Cumings, Mark A. Wall, Tomas Chraska, Robert Hull, J. W. Morris Jr., and Ulrich Dahmen “Development of a Nanoindenter for In-situ Transmission Electron Microscopy Microscopy and Microanalysis, 7, 507-517 (2001)
S.H. Jhi, S. Louie, M.L. Cohen and J.W. Morris, Jr , “Mechanical Instability and Ideal Shear Strength of Transition Metal Carbides and Nitrides”, Phys. Rev Lett., 87, 1-4 (2001)
D. Mitlin, V. Radmilovich, U. Dahmen and J.W. Morris, Jr., “The Microstructure and Properties of Al-Cu-Ge-Si Alloys”, in Advances in the Metallurgy of Aluminum Alloys, M. Turyakioglu, ed., ASM, Metals Park (2001), p. 239-242
F. Hua, C.M. Garner, H. G. Song and J. W. Morris, Jr., “Creep Behavior of Pb-Free Solders”, in Proceedings, ASME 2001
J.W. Morris Jr., H.G. Song and Y.H. Kim, “Microstructural Evolution in Pb-Free Solder Microjoints”, in Proceedings, PRICM 2001
J.W. Morris, Jr., “The Influence of Grain Size on the Mechanical Properties of Steel”, Proceedings, International Symposium on Ultrafine Grained Steels, S. Takaki and T. Maki, eds., Iron and Steel Inst. Japan, Tokyo, 2001, p.34-41
Z. Guo, C.S. Lee and J.W. Morris, Jr., "Grain Refinement for Exceptional Properties in High Strength Steel by Thermal Mechanisms and Martensitic Transformation", in Proceedings, Workshop on New Generation Steel, Chinese Society for Metals, Beijing, 2001, p. 48-54
Seung-Teak Yang, Yoon Chung, Young-Ho Kim, B. H. Hong, K. R. Park, H. G. Song, and J .W. Morris, Jr., "Intermetallic Growth between Sn-Ag-(Cu) Solder and Ni" in Proceedings, 3rd International Symposium on Electronic Materials and Packaging 2001, Jeju Island, Korea, Nov. 19-22, 2001, pp.289-294.
J.W. Morris, Jr., “Solder”, in McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science, McGraw-Hill, New York (2001)
Dislocation Plasticity: an Overview, in Encyclopedia of Materials Science and Technology, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam (2001)
Cryogenic Steels, in Encyclopedia of Materials Science and Technology, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam (2001)
Deformation of Austenite at Low Temperature, Encyclopedia of Materials Science and Technology, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam (2001)
D. Mitlin, V. Radmilovic, U. Dahmen and J.W. Morris, Jr., “Precipitation and Strengthening Phenomena in Al-Si-Ge and Al-Cu-Si-GeAlloys”, J. Adv. Tech. Mat. Mat. Process., (in press) [invited paper, Int. Mat. Res. Congress, Cancun, Aug. 27-31, 2000]
H.G. Song, J. Ahn and J.W. Morris, Jr., “The Microstructure of Eutectic Au-Sn Solder Bumps on Cu/Electroless Ni/Au”, J. Elect. Mater., 30, 1083-1089 (2001)
Y. Watanabe, S.H. Kang, J.W. Chan, J.W. Morris, Jr., T.J. Shaw and J. Clarke, “Observation of Magnetic Gradients in Stainless Steel with a High-Tc SQUID Microscope”, J. Appl. Phys., 89, 1977-1982 (2001)
D.M. Clatterbuck, D.C. Chrzan and J.W. Morris, Jr., "The inherent tensile strength of iron", Phil. Mag. Lett., 82, 141-147 (2002)
J.W. Morris, Jr., C.S. Lee and Z. Guo, "The meaning and consequences of grain refinement in steel", in Proceedings, 4th workshop on the development of High Performance Structural Steels for the 21st Century, Pohang Iron and Steel, Pohang, Korea, (2002), p. 43-54
C.S. Lee, Z. Guo, D.H. Seo and J.W. Morris, Jr., "Orientation analysis of grains using EBSD and TEM patterns", in Proceedings, 4th workshop on the development of High Performance Structural Steels for the 21st Century, Pohang Iron and Steel, Pohang, Korea, (2002), p. 139-142
C. R. Krenn, D. Roundy, Marvin L. Cohen, D. C. Chrzan and J. W. Morris, Jr.: "Connecting atomistic and experimental estimates of ideal strength," Phys. Rev. B, 65, 13411-16 (2002).
C.R. Krenn, D. Roundy, J.W. Morris, Jr. and M.L. Cohen, “The Ideal Strengths of BCC Metals”, Mat. Sci. Eng. A, (in press)
H.G. Song, J.W. Morris, Jr. and F. Hua, "Anomalous Creep in Sn-Rich Solder Joints", Trans. JIM, (in press)
H.G. Song, J.W. Morris, Jr. and F. Hua, "Creep Properties of Pb-Free Solder Joints", J. Metals, (in press)
W. Luo, D. Roundy, M. L. Cohen, and J. W. Morris Jr., "Ideal Strength of bcc Molybdenum and Niobium", Phys. Rev. B, (in press)
A.M. Minor, E.T.Lilleodden, E.A. Stach and J.W. Morris, Jr., “In situ TEM study of the nanoindentation behavior of Al”, J. Elec. Mat., (in press)
PUBLICATIONS (1994-2000)
Substructure Formation During Plastic Deformation, (with S.I. Selitser), Acta Metallurgical et Materialia, 42, 3985 (1994)
The Influence of Microstructure on Work Hardening in Aluminum, (with D. Chu) Acta Metallurgica et Materialia, 44, 2599-2610 (1995).
Computer Simulation of Reversible Martensitic Transformations (with Ping Xu) Metallurgical Transactions (A), 27, 1187-1201 (1995)
Effect of Post-Pattern Annealing on the Grain Structure and Reliability of Al-Based Interconnects (with S.H. Kang, C. Kim and F.Y. Génin) Journal of Applied Physics, 79, 8330 (1996)
Ideal Shear Strengths of fcc Aluminum and Copper, D.Roundy, C.R.Krenn, Marvin L.Cohen and J.W.Morris Jr., Phys. Rev. Lett., 82, 2713 (1999)
The compatibility of crack closure and Kmax dependent models of fatigue crack growth, C.R.Krenn, J.W.Morris Jr., International Journal of Fatigue, 21, S147 (1999)
Ideal strengths of bcc metals, C.R.Krenn, D.Roundy, J.W.Morris Jr., Marvin L.Cohen, Mater. Sci. Eng. A (2000)(to be published)
The internal stability of an elastic solid, J.W.Morris Jr., C.R.Krenn, Phil.Mag.A, 80(12), 2827 (2000)
Elastic stability and the limit of strength, J.W.Morris Jr.,C.R.Krenn, D.Roundy, Marvin L.Cohen, Phase Transformations and Evolution in Materials, P.E.Turchi and A.Gonis, eds., TMS, Warrendale, Pa (2000)(to be published)
The influence of a Magnetic field on the fracture toughness of ferromagnetic steel, D.M.Clatterbuck, J.W.Chan and J.W.Morris Jr., .... (2000)
Magnetization mapping of deformation gradients in 1018 steel, J.W.Chan, T.J.Shaw, K.Schlenga, Y.R.Chelma, R.McDermott, J.W.Morris Jr., and J.Clarke, Nondestructive evaluation and material properties IV, P.K.Liaw, R.J.Arsenault, R.E.Green Jr., K.L.Murty and R.B.Thompson, eds., TMS (1999)
Scanning SQUID microscope differentiation of ferromagnetic steel phases, T.J.Shaw, J.W.Chan, S.-H.Kang, R.McDermott, J.W.Morris Jr., and J.Clarke, Acta Mater. (2000)
Currently comprised of 2 research scientists and 8 graduate student research assistants, Professor Morris' group has graduated more than 70 PhD's, most of whom are engaged in industrial research on structural or electronic materials