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Prof. Wei Gao荣获李薰讲座奖
2006-11-15 | 文章来源:        【 】【打印】【关闭

Topic: Nano-Structured Materials, Coatings and Thin Films:Processing and Applications


This talk will have two parts.  The first part is to introduce the materials research at the of , and the newly established . It has seven existing Centres that cover a wide range of research including Nano-Structured Materials and Coatings Electronic Materials, Light Metals, and Surface Science and Engineering. This Institute combines the expertise and strengths of more than 100 people, and focused on both science frontier research and industrial applications. We are developing close collaborations with universities and institutes, especially those in the Asian Pacific region.

The second part of the talk will summarise our research on Nano-Structured Materials, Coatings and Thin Films.  The research on electronic materials and thin oxide films is focused on their device applications.

Curriculum Vitae -- Wei Gao



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