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2008-06-24 | 文章来源:        【 】【打印】【关闭


Topic: Biological Materials Science:Fracture in Human Bone and the Role of Aging and Disease


Curriculum Vitae


R. O.Ritchie








Universityof California at Berkeley


Chaired Professor


D. Sc.


MS 62-203, 1 Cyclotron Rd., Berkeley


CA 94720


Robert O. Ritchie is the H.T. & Jessie Chua Distinguished Professor of Engineering in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at the University of California in Berkeley. He is also Senior Materials Scientist and Head of Ceramic Materials in the Materials Sciences Division of the associated Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and a member of the University of California San Francisco/University of California Berkeley Bioengineering group.

Dr. Ritchie received a B.A. degree (double first class honors) in physics and metallurgy in 1969, the M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in Materials Science in 1973, and the Doctor of Science (Sc.D.) degree in 1990, all from Cambridge University. Following periods as the Goldsmith's Research Fellow in Materials Science at Churchill College, Cambridge (1972-1974) and as a Miller Research Fellow for Basic Research in Science at the University of California in Berkeley (1974-1976), he joined the faculty in Mechanical Engineering at M.I.T. where he became the Class of 1922 Associate Professor in 1979. In 1981, he returned to Berkeley where he has been Professor of Materials Science since 1982; he was also Deputy Director of the Materials Sciences Division at the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory from 1990 to 1994, and Director of the Center for Advanced Materials there from 1987 to 1995. He has served as a consultant for both government and industry, including such companies as Alcan, Allison, Boeing, Chevron, Exxon, Garrett Turbine, General Electric, General Motors, Grumman Aerospace, Instron, JPL, Northrop, Rockwell, Teledyne, Westinghouse and numerous legal firms. He has also acted as a consultant in the medical field to Baxter Healthcare, Cordis, Carbomedics, Guidant, Medical Inc., Medstone Intl., Shiley, St. Jude Medical, and USCI/Bard on the mechanical integrity of cardiac valves, endovascular stents and other prosthetic devices. In addition, he has served as a member of several National Research Council Committees including “Advanced Space Technology” and “Small Spacecraft Technology”. 

Dr. Ritchie is well known for his research in the fields of materials science, fracture mechanics and fatigue-crack propagation, having authored or co-authored over 500 papers and edited 17 books in the technical literature. He is a Member of the National Academy of Engineering in the U.S. and a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering (FREng) in the UK, and has been the recipient of several other awards, including the Journal of Engineering Materials & Technology Best Paper Award from the American Society for Mechanical Engineers (ASME) in 1979, the Marcus A. Grossmann Award from the American Society for Metals (ASM) in 1980, the Most Outstanding Scientific Accomplishment Award from the U.S. Department of Energy in Metallurgy in 1982 and in Ceramics in 1989, the Champion H. Mathewson Gold Medal from the Metallurgical Society of AIME (TMS) in 1985, the George R. Irwin Medal from the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) in 1985, the E-9 Award for the Best Presented Paper on Fatigue from ASTM in 1986, the Curtis W. McGraw Research Award from the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) in 1987, the Rosenhain Medal from the Institute of Materials (London) in 1992, the Structural Materials Distinguished Materials Scientist/Engineer Award from TMS in 1996, the Van Horn Distinguished Lectureship from Case Western Reserve University in 1997, a Southwest Mechanics Lectureship in 1997-98, the ASTM Journal of Testing and Evaluation Award for Most Outstanding Article in 1998, the RPI’s IBM Distinguished Lectureship and ASTM Fatigue Lectureship in 2004, and the Nadai Medal from ASME in 2004. He was also named as one of America's Top 100 Young Scientists by Science Digest magazine in 1984, and was co-chair of the Gordon Conference on Physical Metallurgy in 1992.  He was President (1997-2001) and is an Honorary Fellow of the International Congress on Fracture. He is also a TMS Fellow, a Fellow of the Institute of Materials (FIMMM), the Institute of Physics (FInstP), and the American Society for Materials, a certified engineer (CEng.) in the UK, and an Honorary Visiting Professor at the University of Plymouth (UK). He is listed in Who’sWho in America.



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