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Masahiko MORINAGA教授荣获李薰讲座奖
2009-08-13 | 文章来源:        【 】【打印】【关闭
Topic: Electronic Approach to Alloy Design 
A molecular orbital approach to alloy design has recently made great progress. This approach is based on the electronic structure calculations by the DV-Xa molecular orbital method. New PHACOMP and the d-electrons concept have been proposed and applied to alloy design. Nickel-based single crystal superalloys for gas-turbine blades and high Cr ferritic steels for steam-turbine rotors have been developed successfully following this d-electrons concept. This concept has also been used for the development of titanium alloys for bio-implant application and gum metals with multiple functions. Recently, an energy expression has been devised for the chemical bond between atoms in hydrides and oxides. Hydrogen storage materials including hydrocarbons, complex hydrides and metal hydrides, are compared with each other in view of chemical bond energy, despite that there are significant differences in the nature of the chemical bond among them. This new approach is used for the quantitative prediction of the catalytic effect of metal oxides on the desorption reaction of MgH2. Thus, the electronic approach will be a powerful tool to promote the development of new materials and to support the technical innovation for solving the energy and environmental issues in the 21st century.
Curriculum Vitae-Masahiko MORINAGA 
Date of birth :   20 August, 1946 
1. Education & Employment:
1978      :Ph.D., Materials Science, Northwestern University (U.S.A.)
1994 - to date :Professor, Department of Materials Science and Engineering,
        Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University,Japan
2008-     :Visiting Professor of Tohoku University, Japan
2. Activities of Academic Society:
2004-      :President of the DV-Xa Society of Japan
2004-      Chair person of the 176th Committee on Process-Created Materials Function
        in the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)
2005-2006   :Vice President of the Japan Institute of Metals
2008-     :President of the Japan Institute of Metals
3. Honors and Awards:
1989:The Meritorious Award of the Japan Institute of Metals
1991:The Science Award of the Nagai Science Foundation
2001:The Science Award of the DV-Xa Society of Japan
2008:The Tanigawa-Harris Award of the Japan Institute of Metals
4. Memberships:
:The Japan Institute of Metals,
:The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan
:The Physical Society of Japan
:The Japan Institute of Light Metals
5. Research Interest:
:Alloy design based on molecular orbital method
:Hydrogen storage materials
:High-temperature alloys and steels
:Electronic structure of metals, alloys and oxides 
A method for alloy design has been developed on the basis of molecular orbital method. Among a series of investigations, NEW PHACOMP was proposed in 1984, and it is still used in the world for the development of Ni-based superalloys. A d-electrons concept has also been proposed for the development of various alloys. Following this concept, high-temperature alloys such as Ni-based superalloys and high Cr ferritic steels have been developed recently. Also, this concept has been applied to the development of Ti alloys for bio-implant applications and gum metals by other groups in Japan. 
Recently, special attention has been directed toward hydrogen storage materials. For example, a unified approach to the analysis of the chemical bond in hydrides and hydrocarbons has been proposed (Acta Materialia 55 (2007) 6673-6680). In addition, a study is now in progress in order to understand the nature of the chemical bond in metal oxides along this approach. Recently, this has been applied to the understanding of the metal-oxide catalysts for the dehydrogenation reaction of magnesium hydride, MgH2
The number of scientific papers, books and reports is more than 300.

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