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M. Singh教授荣获李薰讲座奖
2009-08-13 | 文章来源:        【 】【打印】【关闭
Topic: Ceramic Integration Technologies for Energy and Environmental Applications:Technical Challenges and Opportunities


Advanced ceramic integration technologies dramatically impact the energy and environment landscape due to wide scale application of ceramics in all aspects of alternative energy production, storage, distribution, conservation, and efficiency. Examples include fuel cells, thermoelectrics, photovoltaics, gas turbine propulsion systems, distribution and transmission systems based on superconductors, nuclear power generation, nuclear waste disposal, NOx and COx reduction technologies, and a wide variety of green manufacturing processes and technologies. Various ceramic integration technologies play a role in fabrication and manufacturing of large and complex shaped parts of various functionalities. However, the development of robust and reliable integrated systems with optimum performance requires the understanding of many thermochemical and thermomechanical factors, particularly for high temperature applications.

In this presentation, various challenges and opportunities in design, fabrication, and testing of integrated similar (ceramic-ceramic) and dissimilar (ceramic-metal) material systems will be discussed. Experimental results for bonding and integration of SiC based Micro-Electro-Mechanical-Systems (MEMS) LDI fuel injector, high conductivity C/C composite based thermal management system, solid oxide fuel cells system, and advanced ceramics and composites for turbine applications will be presented. Potential opportunities and need for the development of innovative design philosophies, approaches, and integrated system testing under simulated application conditions will also be discussed.

Curriculum Vitae-M Singh



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