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Philippe Marcus教授荣获2012年度李薰材料科学讲座系列讲座奖
2012-08-06 | 文章来源:李薰奖办公室        【 】【打印】【关闭

Topic: Micro and Nanoscale Investigation of the Interactions of Metal Surfaces with Gaseous and Liquid Environments : Experimental and Theoretical Approach

Speaker: Prof. Philippe Marcus

     Laboratory of Physical Chemistry of Surfaces

     CNRS – Chimie ParisTech, France


 CV-Prof. Philippe Marcus



Metal and alloy surfaces interact with their environment (gas or liquid). The understanding and control of the surface interactions is a key factor for the development of metallic materials with extended and predictable life time.

Chemical interactions at metal and alloy surfaces (adsorption, oxidation, corrosion) can be studied using advanced surface characterization techniques (surface spectroscopies and microscopies) and modelling and simulation methods.

The aim of this lecture is to review recent results obtained by combining Time-of-Flight Secondary Ions Mass Spectroscopy (ToF-SIMS), X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS), Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM), Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy (STS) and Density Functional Theory (DFT). The reviewed data provide a better understanding of metal surfaces, metal-oxide interfaces, and oxide films properties, including corrosion and corrosion resistance mechanisms.

The following issues will be addressed :

- Corrosion at the nanoscale using STM and STS : nanostructure of passive oxide films, local electronic properties

- Formation of vacancies at metal-oxide interfaces

- Early oxidation stages studied by advanced surface analytical techniques (XPS, ToF-SIMS) with applications in the aeronautic and nuclear industries

- DFT modelling of the reactivity of oxide films with corrosive species (e.g. Cl-)

The selected examples will cover various metals and alloys (nickel and nickel-base alloys, stainless steels, titanium aluminides).


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