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Martin Stratmann教授获得2014年度李薰材料科学讲座系列讲座奖
2015-07-22 | 文章来源:        【 】【打印】【关闭

Topic: Coatings for corrosion protection: From the basics to new challenges

Speaker: Professor Martin Stratmann

      President of the Max Planck Society

Time: 10:00-12:00, (Wed.) Apr. 22th, 2015

Venue: Room 403, Shi Changxu Building, IMR CAS


Coatings play an important role in corrosion protection. In the past the development of novel coatings was mainly an empirical process. Up to quite recently only little was known about the underlying mechanisms of coating degradation, because it was difficult to study these degradation reactions at the buried interface underneath the coating. This changed with the pioneering work of Martin Stratmann based on the application of the Kelvin probe technique. This technique provided for the first time deep insight into the electrochemical processes at the buried interface. Based on the basic knowledge obtained from this work a number of important topics, from delamination of paints from novel zinc alloy coatings, conducting polymers for corrosion protection to novel intelligent self-healing coating systems, were investigated in depth and important insight was obtained, providing the basis for systematic optimizations.



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