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Eric Maire教授获得李薰讲座奖
2016-05-13 | 文章来源:        【 】【打印】【关闭

Topic: Effect of pores in materials analyzed by X-ray tomography

Speaker: Professor  MAIRE Eric,
         Directeur de recherches (Research director) CNRS, France


X ray tomography is a very efficient technique to reveal porosity in materials. This talk will cover two different scientific aspects of this question.

1. Small pore fraction. This situation is encountered when damage nucleates, grows and coalesces during the plastic deformation of metals. These different phenomena are important to analyze because they allow us to predict ductile fracture of metals. For studying this question, high spatial resolution and fast image acquisition is often required. This is mostly achieved by using synchrotron imaging.

2. Large pore fraction. This situation is encountered for materials especially produced with such a microstructure. Highly porous materials like foams, wools, etc. can be studied by laboratory X-ray tomography, with a medium resolution. In these cases, FE modeling is often used as a predictive tool for the properties, based on the microstructure.



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