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Flemming Besenbacher教授获得李薰讲座奖
2016-11-02 | 文章来源:        【 】【打印】【关闭

Topic: Catalytic model systems studied by high-resolution, video-rate Scanning Tunneling Microscopy

Speaker: Prof. Flemming Besenbacher
      Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark

Keywords: Catalytic model systems, high-resolution video-rate Scanning Tunneling Microscopy, surface science approach, time-resolved high-resolution STM images/videos, diffusion of vacancies, sintering and diffusion of nanosclusters, oxide surfaces, determination of nanostructures, novel catalytic properties.


For decades single-crystal surfaces have been studied under ultra-high vacuum (UHV) conditions as model systems for elementary surface processes. This “surface science approach” has contributed substantially to our understanding of the processes involved in especially catalysis.

In this talk I will show how STM can reveal fundamental processes in relation to catalysis, and how we can extract quantitative information on surface diffusion of adatoms and molecules. We use time-resolved, high-resolution STM images/movies to understand diffusion of vacancies, interstitials and molecules, e.g. water molecules on oxide surfaces, sintering and diffusion of nanoclusters on oxide surfaces, diffusion of intermediate species, and to identify active sites and to determine new nanostructures with novel catalytic properties (see www.phys.au.dk/spm). The atomic-scale information obtained may even lead to the design of new and improved catalysts in certain cases.


·李薰讲座奖获得者,中国科学院外籍院士Flemming Besenbacher教授访问金属所
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