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Pulickel M. Ajayan教授获得李薰讲座奖
2017-07-10 | 文章来源:        【 】【打印】【关闭

Lee Hsun Lecture Series

Topic: Science and Engineering of Low Dimensional Materials

Speaker: Prof. Pulickel M. Ajayan
           Department of Materials Science and NanoEngineering
           Rice University, Houston, Texas, USA


The past two decades has belonged to truly innovative and amazing discoveries in the area of nanotechnology. It is clear that nanomaterials will play a significant role in shaping future technologies. Although basic science in the area has progressed significantly, there are still challenges related to engineering and integration of nanomaterials into applications and commercial products. This talk will discuss some of the challenges and opportunities in the field, with particular reference to carbon based nanostructures, two-dimensional atomic layers, nanocomposites and energy storage. Our group has made pioneering contributions to these areas in the past two decades and some of our contributions that include synthesis, characterization, engineering aspects and possible applications of these nanomaterials will be discussed.



·李薰讲座奖获得者Pulickel M. Ajayan教授访问金属所
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