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E. M. Gutman教授荣获李薰研究奖
2006-11-17 | 文章来源:        【 】【打印】【关闭

Topic:  Mechanochemical Interactions in Metals


1What is Mechanochemistry in general
2Relation of Mechanochemistry to Stress Corrosion Problems

Part I
Main Features of the Behavior of Metals with Reference to Mechanochemistry
1Mechanical, electrical and chemical work in thermodynamic system.
2Thermodynamics of irreversible processes.
3Empirical kinetics of chemical reactions.
4Electrochemical thermodynamics and kinetics.
5Electrochemical Kinetics in Corrosion.
6Problem of multi-electrode systems and electrochemical heterogeneity in corrosion.
7Mechanical behavior of metals in relation to Mechanochemistry.

Part II
Non-equilibrium states and new understanding corrosion kinetics as irreversible reaction
1. Advanced approach in electrochemical kinetics.
2. New background of chemical kinetics for corrosion reactions as irreversible processes.

Part III.
Fundamentals of Mechanochemical interactions –Mechanochemical thermodynamics

1. Mechanochemical activity as a new development of thermodynamic activity.
2. Mechanochemical activity of solids with structural defects.

Part IV.
Fundamentals of Mechanochemical interactions –Mechanochemical kinetics

1Kinetics of mechanochemical and mechanoelectrochemical reactions caused by elastic deformation
2Mechanochemical corrosion of elastically stressed metal and minerals.
3Kinetics of mechanochemical and mechanoelectrochemical reactions caused by plastic deformation
4Chemomechanical effect and conjugate mechanochemical phenomena
5Mechanoelectrical phenomena
6Relationships between local and integral mechanochemical activity of surfaces
7Mechanochemical theory of Stress Corrosion.

Part V.
Some applications of mechanochemical phenomena
1Stress corrosion cracking
2Mechanochemistry of low-cycling corrosion fatigue
3Corrosion creep, corrosion stress relaxation and corrosion fatigue of Mg alloys
4Mechanochemical surface treatment
5Deep drawing of high-strength alloys
6Strength and life time prediction of corroding metal structures
7Mechanochemical behavior of welded joints

Concluded remarks and recommendations for future developments.
Curriculum Vitae  E. M. Gutman


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