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R. Saito荣获李薰研究奖
2006-11-21 | 文章来源:        【 】【打印】【关闭

Topic:   Excitonic states and resonance Raman spectroscopyof single wall carbon nanotubes


Carbon nanotubes are an exciting new material which is investigated over the world. Nowadays the synthesis of carbon nanotubes are well established and we are now required for a standard characterization of the sample quality. Resonance Raman spectroscopy is a non-contact, non-destructive, and quick technique operating at room temperature and at ambient pressure. By using micro Raman spectroscopy or near field spectroscopy, we can get a high special and energy resolution of a Raman signal even from a single molecule of nanotube. We have investigated the Raman spectroscopy with the collaboration of experimental group worldwide and have developed the calculation of spectral intensity. In this talk, starting from a general introduction of carbon nanotubes, we discuss on resonance Raman spectroscopy of single wall carbon nanotube. In particular, we present our resent calculation of the excitonic states of nanotubes and the interaction of the exciton with photon and phonon.


Curriculum Vitae -- Riichiro Saito




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