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John David Embury教授荣获李薰研究奖
2008-06-24 | 文章来源:        【 】【打印】【关闭

Topic 1:  Fundamental Physical Metallurgy of Structural Steels

This course is intended to link a basic scientific view of the detailed structure and properties of modern structural steels to their detailed processing and properties. The topics to be covered are summarized in the lecture schedule below. Each topic will be covered in about 3 to 4 hours of lecture time.
  1. The alloys of iron- fundamentals of phase equilibrium
  2. Components of iron- carbide and nitride bonding, crystallography and properties
  3. Applications to Engineering Alloys
  4. Rapid heat treatment of dual phase steels
  5. Microstructural design for advanced structural steels
  6. Strengthening by combined plasticity and phase transformations
  7. Ultra high strength steels
Topic 2:  Fundamentals of the mechanical Behaviour of Materials

This course will deal with the fundamentals of mechanical behaviour of materials using concepts of the strength of the chemical bond, dislocation models of plasticity and basic mechanics. It will deal with basic processes but relate these to the understanding and utilization of current engineering materials.
The topics to be covered are listed below. This series of lectures will deal with mechanical response of materials over a broad range of length scales from the behaviour of macroscopic composites to nanoscale systems. The lectures will be at the graduate level and based in part on the book “Strong Solids” by Kelly and Macmillan plus a series of recent reviews and publications. Each lecture will be 2 hours in duration.  
  1. Theoretical strength of materials
  2. Dislocations and analysis of plasticity
  3. Geometrical and Energetic aspects of dislocations
  4. Work hardening and gradient plasticity
  5. Role of second phase particles
  6. Plastic constraints and composites
  7. Basic mechanisms of fracture and design for fracture resistance
  8. Mechanical response of nanoscale systems .Hybrid materials and design 


Curriculum Vitae -- John David Embury



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