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Young Hee Lee教授荣获李薰研究奖
2008-12-08 | 文章来源:人事处外办        【 】【打印】【关闭
Topic:   Doping strategy of carbon nanotubes
The electronic structures of carbon nanotubes are governed strongly on the diameter and chirality. Since the nanotubes are exposed to the surface, electronic structures are expected to be severely modified by environment such as solvent and adsorbates. Various dispersants and solvents have been utilized to disperse carbon nanotubes. Yet, the effect of solvent and adsorbates to the electronic structures of carbon nanotubes has been rarely investigated. In general, a charge transfer between adsorbates and carbon nanotubes occurs, therefore modifying the electronic structures of carbon nanotubes. By precisely understanding the charge transfer mechanism, one may engineer carbon nanotubes to be suitable for many applications in electronic devices such as transistors and transparent conducting films. We will discuss the effect of solvent and a method of precisely engineering p- and n-type doping. These will be discussed in two-hour lectures.

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