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Thorsten Staedler博士获得2013年度李薰研究奖
2013-05-27 | 文章来源:李薰奖办公室        【 】【打印】【关闭

Topic: Advanced strategies in mechanical and tribological materials characterization on the nanoscale

Speaker: Dr.Thorsten Staedler,Head of the analytics section, Institute of Materials Science, University of Siegen


In order to design and later to improve their performance numerous applications require detailed knowledge of mechanical materials properties on the nanoscale. Over the past decades the feasibility of this challenging task dramatically improved due to significant advances in instrumentation. Today’s possibilities are illustrated by examples ranging from thin film characterization to the study of individual grains. In a second part the scope of experimental work is extended to tribological problems. After motivating the interest in tribological phenomena on the nanoscale in general, examples attributed to the field of particle technology will be presented.

CV-Dr.Thorsten Staedler.pdf


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