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论文题目 作者 刊物名称 发表年度 论文编号
Revisiting the effect of aspect ratio on shear band evolution by hydrostatic-stress embedded free-volume theory Zhao J X, Zhang Z F, Chen Y F, Gong J M, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 2020
Understanding the tensile fracture of deeply-notched metallic glasses Yang G N, Qu R T, Xu G D, Li Q Z, Cui C Q, Zhang Z F International Journal of Solids and Structures 2020
Significant transitions of mechanical properties by changing temperature in Cu-Al alloys with heterogeneous microstructures Lin H R, Tian Y Z, Sun S J, Zhang Z J, Bai Y, Lu J T, Zhang Z F, Tsuji N Materials Characterization 2020
In-situ TEM investigation of structural transformation from LEDS to twin in fatigued Cu single crystal during annealing Li P, Kong L W, Zhang Z X, Zhao J, Du C C, Huang J Y, Zhang Z F Philosophical Magazine 2020
Tensile and Fatigue Properties and Deformation Mechanisms of Twinning-Induced Plasticity Steels Zhang Z F, Shao C W, Wang B, Yang H K, Dong F Y, Liu R, Zhang Z J, Zhang P Acta Metallurgica Sinica? 2020
Tensile Properties of Selective Laser Melted 316L Stainless Steel, Yu C F, Zhao C C, Zhang Z F, Liu W Acta Metallurgica Sinica? 2020
Role of Multi-Scale Microstructure in the Degradation of Al Wire for Power Transmission Li, R., Liu, H. Z., Ma, H., Hou, J. P., Qian, L. Q., Wang, Q., Li, X. W., and Zhang, Z. F., Applied Sciences-Basel? 2020
A FinFET with one atomic layer channel Chen M L#, Sun X D#, Liu H#, Wang H W, Zhu Q B, Wang S S, Du H F, Dong B J*, Zhang J, Sun Y, Qiu S, Alava T, Liu S*, Sun D M*, Han Z* NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 2020
A flexible carbon nanotube sen-memory device Qu T Y, Sun Y, Chen M L, Liu Z B, Zhu Q B, Wang B W, Zhao T Y, Liu C, Tan J, Qiu S*, Li Q W, Han Z*, Wang W, Cheng H M*, Sun D M* ADVANCED MATERIALS 2020
Effect of micro-alloying element La on corrosion behavior of Al-Mg-Si alloys Zheng Q J, Wu J, Jiang H X, Zhang L L, Zhao J Z, He J Corrosion Science 2020
Effect of Minor Lanthanum on The Microstructures, Tensile and Electrical Properties of Al-Fe Alloys Jiang H X, Li S X, Zheng Q J, Zhang L L, He J, Song Y, Deng C K, Zhao J Z Materials and Design 2020
Microstructure Formation and Electrical Resistivity Behavior of Rapidly solidified Cu-Fe-Zr Immiscible Alloys Sun X J, He J, Chen B, Zhang L L, Jiang H X, Zhao J Z, Hao H R Journal of Materials Science & Technology 2020
Effect mechanisms of micro-alloying element La on microstructure and mechanical properties of hypoeutectic Al-Si alloys Zheng Q J, Zhang L L,Jiang H X, Zhao J Z, He J Journal of Materials Science & Technology 2020
Separating and Recycling Metal Mixture of Pyrolyzed Waste Printed Circuit Boards By a Combined Method Chen B, He J, Sun X J, Zhao J Z, Jiang H X, Zhang L L, Waste Management 2020
A New Model of Growth Restriction Factor for Hypoeutectic Aluminium Alloys Zhang L L, Jiang H X, He J, Zhao J Z Scripta Materialia 2020
The influence of rare earth element lanthanum on the microstructures and properties of as-cast 8176 (Al-0.5Fe) aluminum alloy Jiang H X, Li S X, Zhang L L, He J, Zheng Q J, Song Y, Li Y Q, Zhao J Z Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2020
Effect of La Addition on Microstructure Evolution of Hypoeutectic Al–6Si Alloys Zhang L L, Zheng Q J, Jiang H X, He J, Zhao J Z Journal of Materials Science 2020
A model describing solidification microstructure evolution in an inoculated aluminum alloys Song Y, Jiang H X, Zhang L L, Li S X, Zhao J Z, He J Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters) 2020
Kinetic Behaviour of TiB2 Particles in Al Melt and Their Effect on Grain Refinement of Aluminium Alloys Zhang L L, Jiang H X, He J, Zhao J Z Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China 2020
Ag-Ni偏晶合金凝固过程研究 邓聪坤, 江鸿翔, 赵九洲, 何杰, 赵雷 金属学报 2020
微合金化元素La对亚共晶Al-Si合金凝固组织与力学性能的影响 郑秋菊, 叶中飞, 江鸿翔, 卢明, 张丽丽, 赵九洲 金属学报 2020
Fe含量对Zr60Cu40-xFex相分离非晶合金组织结构、电阻性能和纳米压痕行为的影响 孙小钧, 何杰*, 陈斌, 赵九洲, 江鸿翔, 张丽丽, 郝红日 金属学报 2020
Microstructure Formation and Nanoindentation Behavior of Rapidly Solidified Cu-Fe-Zr Immiscible Alloys Sun X J, He J, Zhao J Z Materials Science Forum 2020
Ag-Ni电接触材料快速/亚快速凝固过程研究 邓聪坤, 江鸿翔, 赵九洲 特种铸造及有色合金 2020
空间微重力条件下偏晶合金凝固研究进展 江鸿翔, 黎旺, 张丽丽, 何杰, 赵九洲 中国科学: 物理学力学天文学 2020
直流电流作用下Al-Bi偏晶合金连续凝固研究 江鸿翔,孙小钧,李世欣,何杰,赵九洲 特种铸造及有色合金 2020
纳板金山金矿卡林型难浸金矿石金的浸出回收研究 孟宇群, 宿少玲, 沈海涛 黄金 2020
A universal scaling relationship between the strength and Young’s modulus of dealloyed porous Fe80Cr20 Xiang Y H,Liu L Z,Shao J C,Jin H J ACTA MATERIALIA 2020
From liquid metal dealloying to liquid metal expulsion Shao J C,Jin H J JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE 2020
Three-Dimensional Atomic Structure of Grain Boundaries Resolved by Atomic-Resolution Electron Tomography Wang C Y,Duan H C,Chen C J,Wu P,Qi D Q,Ye H Q,Jin H J,Xin H L,Du K MATTER 2020
Mitigation of sulphate-reducing bacteria attack on the corrosion of 20SiMn steel rebar in sulphoaluminate concrete using organic silicon quaternary ammonium salt Etim I N,Dong J H,Chen N,Wei J, Ke W CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS 2020
Effect of organic silicon quaternary ammonium salts on mitigating the corrosion of reinforced steel induced by Desulfovibrio desulfuricans in mild alkaline simulated concrete pore solution Etim I N,Dong J H,Wei J, Chen N, Pokharel D B, Umoh A J,Xu D K,Su M Z,Ke W JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 2020
带损伤环氧涂层钢筋在Cl-和碳化耦合作用下的腐蚀行为 魏洁, 魏英华, 李京, 赵洪涛, 吕晨曦, 董俊华, 柯伟, 何小燕 金属学报 2020
羟基亚乙基二膦酸对20SiMn钢在含氯混凝土模拟液中的缓蚀行为 曹凤婷, 魏洁, 董俊华, 柯伟, 王铁钢, 范其香 金属学报 2020
Effect of D-fructose on the in-vitro corrosion behavior of AZ31 magnesium alloy in simulated body fluid Pokharel D B,Wu L P,Dong J H,Wei X,Etim I N,Subedi D B,Umoh A J,Ke W JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 2020

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