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Effect of surface morphology on initial hydrogen diffusion in vanadium alloys Zhiyang Liu, Liangyin Xiong, Shi Liu Materials Letters 2019
EffectofaluminumcontentondislocationloopsinmodelFeCrAlalloys XiongZhoua,LipingGuoa,?,YaxiaWeia,HuiWangb,?,ChengChena,YihengChena, WeipingZhanga,ShiLiuc,RenduoLiud,ShaoboMoe NuclearMaterialsandEnergy 2019
Corrosion onset associated with the reinforcement and secondary phases in B4C-6061Al neutron absorber material in H3BO3 solution Zhou Y T, Zan Y N, Wei X X, Yang B, Zhang B, Zheng S J, Shao X H, Dong J H, Ma X L, Xiao B L, Wang Q Z, Ma Z Y CORROSION SCIENCE 2019
Thermally stable microstructures and mechanical properties of B4C-Al composite with in-situ formed Mg(Al)B2 Zhou Y T, Zan Y N, Zheng S J, Shao X H, Jin Q Q, Zhang B, Wang Q Z, Xiao B L, Ma X L, Ma Z Y JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 2019
Twinning and sequential kinking in lamellar Ti-6Al-4V alloy Zheng X D, Zheng S J, Wang J, Ma Y J, Wang H, Zhou Y T, Shao X H, Zhang B, Lei J F, Yang R, Ma X L ACTA MATERIALIA 2019
Deformation induced FCC lamellae and their interaction in commercial pure Ti Zheng X D, Gong M Y, Xiong T, Ge H L, Yang L X, Zhou Y T, Zheng S J, Wang J, Ma X L SCRIPTA MATERIALIA 2019
Strength and ductility of bulk Cu/Nb nanolaminates exposed to extremely high temperatures Yang W F, Beyerlein I J, Jin Q Q, Ge H L, Xiong T, Yang L X, Pang J C, Zhou Y T, Shao X H, Zhang B, Zheng S J, Ma X L SCRIPTA MATERIALIA 2019
Interface Effects on He Ion Irradiation in Nanostructured Materials Yang W F, Pang J Y, Zheng S J, Wang J, Zhang X H, Ma X L MATERIALS 2019
Oxide MnCr2O4 induced pitting corrosion in high entropy alloy CrMnFeCoNi Pang J Y, Xiong T, Wei X X, Zhu Z W, Zhang B, Zhou Y T, Shao X H, Jin Q Q, Zheng S J, Ma X L MATERIALIA 2019
Chloride attack on the passive film on duplex alloy Zhang B, Wei X X, Wu B, Wang J, Shao X H, Yang L X, Zheng S J, Zhou Y T, Jin Q Q, Oguzie E E, Ma X L CORROSION SCIENCE 2019
A review ─ pitting corrosion initiation investigated by TEM Zhang B, Ma X L JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 2019
Boride-induced dislocation channeling in a single crystal Ni-based superalloy Ge H L, Liu J D, Zheng S J, Zhou Y T, Jin Q Q, Shao X H, Zhang B , Zhou Y Z, Ma X L MATERIALS LETTERS 2019
Effect of temperature on deformation mechanisms of the Mg88Co5Y7 alloy during hot compression Peng Z Z, Jin Q Q, Shao X H, Zhou Y T, Zheng S J, Zhang B, Ma X L MATERIALS CHARACTERIZATION 2019
Segregation of solute atoms along deformation-induced boundaries in an Mg–Zn–Y alloy containing long period stacking ordered phase Shao X H, Jin Q Q, Zhou Y T, Yang H J, Zheng S J, Zhang B, Chen Q, Ma X L MATERIALIA 2019
Unravelling the local ring-like atomic pattern of twin boundary in an Mg-Zn-Y alloy Shao X H, Peng Z Z, Jin Q Q, Zhou Y T, Zhang B, Zheng S J, Chen Q, Ma X L PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE 2019
Role of the LPSO structure in the improvement of corrosion resistance of Mg-Gd-Zn-Zr alloys Liu J, Yang L X, Zhang Y C, Zhang B, Zhang T, Li Y, Wu K M, Wang F H JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS 2019
Significantly improved corrosion resistance of Mg-15Gd-2Zn-0.39Zr alloys: Effect of heat-treatment Liu J, Yang L X, Zhang C Y, Zhang B, Zhang T, Li Y, Wu K M, Wang F H JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 2019
层状金属结构材料原子尺度界面结构与性能 曾帅,郑士建,马秀良 电子显微学报 2019
FeCr15Ni15单晶600℃下热生长氧化膜的TEM观察 魏欣欣,张波,马秀良 中国腐蚀与防护学报 2019
Surface modification of lotus-type porous copper by aluminization Cui C Y, Du H, Wang J Q, Yang Y, Xiong T Y SN Applied Sciences 2019
In-situ Sip/A380 alloy nano/micro composite formation through cold spray additive manufacturing and subsequent hot rolling treatment:Microstructure and mechanical properties Qiu X, Tariq N H, Qi L, Zan Y N, Wang Y J, Wang J Q, Du H, Xiong T Y Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2019
Effects of dissimilar alumina particulates on microstructure and properties of cold sprayed alumina/A380 composite coatings Qiu X, Tariq N H, Qi L, Tang J R, Cui X Y, Du H, Wang J Q, Xiong T Y Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters) 2019
Cold spray (P, N, Mo)-TiO2 photocatalytic coatings: synthesis, microstructural characterization and photocatalytic properties Shen Y F, Gyansah L, Song W, Feng B, Wang J Q, Cui X Y, Tao Y S, XiongT Y MATERIALS RESEARCH EXPRESS 2019
A novel phosphate-ceramic coating for high temperature oxidation Han R F,Tariqa N H,Li J Y,Kong L Y,Liu J R,Shan X R,Cui X Y,Xiong T Y CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL 2019
A novel method of fabricating an antibacterial aluminum-matrix composite coating doped graphene/silver-nanoparticles Zhao Z P, Meng F C, Tang J R, Liu H S, Liu H Y, Yang L N, Wang J Q, Xiong T Y MATERIALS LETTERS 2019
A novel bioactive Ta/hydroxyapatite composite coating fabricated by cold spraying Tang J R, Zhao Z P, Liu H S, Cui X Y, Wang J Q, Xiong T Y MATERIALS LETTERS 2019
Influence of feedstock powder on microstructure and mechanical properties of Ta cold spray depositions Tang J R, Zhao Z P, Li N, Qiu X, Shen Y F, Cui X Y, Du H, Wang J Q, Xiong T Y SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY 2019
Achieving strength-ductility synergy in cold spray additively manufactured Al/B4C composites through a hybrid post-deposition treatment N.H.Tariq, L. Gyansah, X. Qiu, C.Jia, H. B. Awais, C. Zheng, H. Du, J.Wang, T. Xiong Journal of Materials Science & Technology 2019
rolling texture and its effect on tensile properties of a near -a titanium alloy Ti60 plate Wenyuan Li, Zhiyong Chen (*);,Jianrong Liu,Shaoxiang Zhu,Guoxin Sui,Qingjiang Wang, Rui Yang Journal of Materials Science & Technology 2019
电子束快速成形制备TC4合金的组织和拉伸性能分析 刘征,刘建荣,赵子博,王磊,王清江,杨锐 金属学报 2019
Deformation behaviors of as-built and hot isostatically pressed Ti-6Al-4V alloys fabricated via electron beam rapid manufacturing Z.Liu,Z.B.Zhao,J.R.Liu,L.Wang,S.X.Zhu,G.Yang,S.L.Gong,Q.J.Wang,R.Yang. Journal of Materials Science & Technology 2019
Analysis of local crystallographic orientation in an annealed Ti60 billet Zhao Z B,Liu Z,Wang Q J,Liu J R,Yang R. Journal of Materials Science & Technology 2019
Monitoring damage evolution in a titanium matrix composite shaft under torsion loading using acoustic emission 孔旭,王玉敏,张旭,杨青,张国兴,杨丽娜,杨锐 ACTA METALLURGICA SINICA(ENGLISH LETTERS) 2019
Enhanced effect of matrix growth texture on the longitudinal modulus of a titanium matrix composite prepared from magnetron sputtering 孔旭,王玉敏,杨青,张旭,张国兴,杨丽娜,吴颖,杨锐 MATERIALS LETTERS 2019
热处理对Ti65钛合金板材的显微组织、织构及拉伸性能的影响 吴汐玥,陈志勇,程超,刘建荣,徐东生,王清江 材料研究学报 2019

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