在Nature、Nature Materials、Science Advances、Advanced Materials、Acta Materialia等期刊发表论文70余篇,被引用5200多次,部分论文如下;
(1)Z. Qu,Z. Zhang,R. Liu,L. Xu,Y. Zhang,X. Li,Z. Zhao,Q. Duan,S. Wang,S. Li,Y. Ma,X. Shao,R. Yang,J. Eckert,R.O. Ritchie,Z. Zhang,High fatigue resistance in a titanium alloy via near-void-free 3D printing,Nature,626 (2024) 999-1004.
(2)R. Gao,M. Zhang,Z. Han,X. Xiao,X. Wu,Z. Piao,Z. Lao,L. Nie,S. Wang,G. Zhou,Unraveling the Coupling Effect between Cathode and Anode toward Practical Lithium–Sulfur Batteries, Advanced Materials,36 (2024) 2303610
(3)P. Tao#,S. Wang#, L. Chen,J. Ying,L. Lv,L. Sun,W. Chu,K. Nishimura,L. Fu,Y. Wang,J. Yu,N. Jiang,W. Dai,Y. Lv,C. Lin,Q. Yan,Enhancement of in-plane thermal conductivity of flexible boron nitride heat spreaders by micro/ nano void-filling using deformable liquid metal nanoparticles,Rare Metals,42 (2023) 3662-3672.(共同第一作者)
(4)L.L. Lu,Y.Y. Lu,Z.X. Zhu,J.X. Shao,H.B. Yao,S. Wang,T.W. Zhang,Y. Ni,X.X. Wang,S.H. Yu,Extremely fast-charging lithium ion battery enabled by dual-gradient structure design,Science Advances,8 (2022) eabm6624.
(5)M. Zhang,D. Jiao,G. Tan,J. Zhang,S.G. Wang,J. Wang,Z. Liu,Z. Zhang,R.O. Ritchie,Strong,Fracture-Resistant Biomimetic Silicon Carbide Composites with Laminated Interwoven Nanoarchitectures Inspired by the Crustacean Exoskeleton,ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 2(2019)1111−1119.
(6)L. Zhang,S. Wang,Correlation of Materials Property and Performance with Internal Structures Evolvement Revealed by Laboratory X-ray Tomography,Materials,11 (2018) 1795. (通讯作者)
(7)Zhao Shuo,Li Shujun,Wang Shaogang,Hou Wentao,Zhang Laichang,Hao Yulin,Yang Rui,Misra R.D,Murr L.E.,Compressive and fatigue behavior of functionally graded Ti-6Al-4V meshes fabricated by electron beam melting,Acta Materialia,2018,150:1-15
(8)Qu Ruitao*,Wang Shaogang,Wang Xiaodi,Liu Zengqian,Zhang Zhefeng*,Revealing the shear band cracking mechanism in metallic glass by X-ray tomography. Scripta Materialia,2017,133: 24-28
(9)Liu Yujing,Wang Haoliang,Li Shujun*,Wang Shaogang,Wang Weijie,Hou Wentao,Hao Yulin,Yang Rui,Zhang Lai-Chang*,Compressive and fatigue behavior of beta-type titanium porous structures fabricated by electron beam melting. Acta Materialia,2017,126: 58-66
(10)Fang Ruopian,Zhao Shiyong,Hou Pengxiang,Cheng Min,Wang Shaogang,Cheng Huiming,Liu Chang*,Li Feng*,3D Interconnected Electrode Materials with Ultrahigh Areal Sulfur Loading for Li-S Batteries. Advanced Materials,2016,28(17):3374-3382
(11)Hu Guangjian,Xu Chuan,Sun Zhenhua, Wang Shaogang,Cheng Hui-Ming,Li Feng,Ren Wencai*,3D Graphene-Foam–Reduced-Graphene-Oxide Hybrid Nested Hierarchical Networks for High-Performance Li–S Batteries,Advanced Materials,2016,28(8):1603-1609
(12)Zhang Suode,Zhang Wenli,Wang Shaogang,Gu Xiaojun,Wang Jianqiang*,Characterisation of three-dimensional porosity in an Fe-based amorphous coating and its correlation with corrosion behaviour,Corrosion Science,2015,93: 211-221
(13)Zhou Guangmin,Pei Songfeng,Li Lu,Wang Da-Wei,Wang Shaogang,Huang Kun,Yin Li-Chang,Li Feng*,Cheng Hui-Ming*,A Graphene-Pure-Sulfur Sandwich Structure for Ultrafast,Long-Life Lithium-Sulfur Batteries. Advanced Materials,2014,26(4):625-631
(14)Wang Shaogang,Wang Sucheng,Zhang Lei*,Application of high resolution transmission X-ray tomography in material science,Acta Metallurgica Sinica,2013,49(8):897-910
(15)Wang Shao-Gang,Xu Jian*. Strengthening and toughening of Mg-based bulk metallic glass via in-situ formed B2-type AgMg phase,Journal of Non - Crystalline Solids,2013,379: 40-47
(16)Wang Shao-Gang,Sun Ming-Yue,Song Zhen-Qiang,Xu Jian*. Cast defects induced sample-size dependency on compressive strength and fracture toughness of Mg-Cu-Ag-Gd bulk metallic glass,Intermetallics,2012,29: 123-132
(17)Wang Shao-Gang,Shi Ling-Ling,Xu Jian*. Mg-based bulk metallic glasses: Elastic properties and their correlations with toughness and glass transition temperature,Journal of Materials Research,2011,26(7):923-933
(18)Wang Shao-Gang*,Chang Ai-Min,Zhang Hui-Min,Zhao Qing. Preparation and characterization of Mn0.43Ni0.9CuFe0.67O4 by a polymerized complex method,Materials Chemistry and Physics,2008,110(1):83-88