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7.21-题目:The Puzzle of Nanofiber Reinforced Nanocomposites (Prof. Chen,Quanfang)
2009-07-27 | 文章来源:        【 】【打印】【关闭
题 目:The Puzzle of Nanofiber Reinforced Nanocomposites
报告人:Prof. Quanfang Chen                            
       MEMS and Nanomaterials Lab,Mechanical,
       Materials and Aerospace Engineering Department,
       University of Central Florida,Orlando, FL 32816-2450, USA
时 间:2009年7月21日下午2点
地 点:南区报告厅
Carbon nanofibers (NF) including carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are considered ideal fillers to develop advanced nanocomposites, mainly owing to their exceptional multifunctional properties. However, so far accomplished results on nanofiber reinforced nanocomposites are not as good as expected, based on theories gained from conventional composites.
Therefore, there must be some misunderstanding about how to deal with nanofibers. This talk will first discuss what do we really know about nanocomposites and then will address key issues in developing nanocomposites. Both analytical and experimental results on nanocomposites will be presented and discussed.
Professor Quanfang Chen received his Ph.D. from Tsinghua University in 1989, and his MS and BS from the Shengyang University of Technology in 1985 and 1982, respectively. After spending two years as a postdoc fellow at the Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Science, he was appointed as associate professor and later as full professor at the Institute of Corrosion and Protection of Metals, Chinese Academy of Science. He held a visiting professor position at the Physics Department, Bologna University, Italy in 1994 and visited the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) from 1995 to 2000. He has jointed the University of Central Florida (UCF) since 2000. Prof Chen’s current research works include mechanics of materials at small scales, multifunctional nanocomposites, MEMS including microfluidics, biosensors and chemical sensors. His researches have been supported by agencies including National Science Foundation, DARPA and US Army.

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