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6.28】张志滨 博士
题目:Thin Film Transistors...
2011-06-27 | 文章来源:先进炭材料研究部        【 】【打印】【关闭

题 目:Thin Film Transistors Based on Carbon Nanotube and Composite

报告人:张志滨 博士

    Solid State Electronics, the Ångström Laboratory, Uppsala University,

    75237, Uppsala, Sweden

时 间:6月28日(周二)9:00-10:00

地 点:工艺楼403会议室

报告摘要:This talk briefly introduces the research activities in the division of Solid-State Electronics, Uppsala University, and subsequently focuses on some aspects regarding field-effect transistors with carbon nanotube networks and composites as channel materials. The use of carbon nanotubes network as channel material shows appreciable difference in gate capacitance and current scaling behavior from the traditional parallel-plate capacitor model. For transistors particularly with low-density nanotube networks, the extracted mobility using the standard method for Si metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors is therefore erroneous. The presence of large hysteresis further complicates the extraction. By properly addressing all these challenges, a comprehensive procedure is established for correct mobility extraction. With composites as channel material, i.e., carbon nanotube networks imbedded in conducting polymers, the traditional parallel-plate capacitor model is a good approximation for mobility extraction. The combination of carbon nanotubes and conducting polymers renders significantly enhanced performances and reliabilities compared to the conducting polymer alone. 

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