Title: Carbon Nanotubes: Science and Applications
Speaker:Prof. Dr. Sumio Iijima
Graduate School of Science and Technology, Meijo University,
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology /Nanotube Research Center, and NEC ,Japan
Time: 10:00-12:00,(Fri.) 20, Dec, 2013
Venue: Room 310, Graduate School, IMR CAS
Welcome to attend!
饭岛澄男(Sumio Iijima),国际著名电镜学家和纳米材料科学家。1939年5月出生于日本,1968年获得日本东北大学博士学位。现任日本名古屋名城大学教授。2009年受聘清华大学名誉教授。2010年当选为日本学士院院士。
摘要:I will speak briefly about the discovery of carbon nanotubes (CNT) with emphasis on importance of modern electron microscopy [1]. Many unique properties of CNT, its basic structure being graphene of a hexagonal network of carbon atoms, come from their cylindrical form and nanometer sized diameter as well as hybridized electron orbitals of a carbon atom. The CNTs having flexible and unique electronic properties have been successfully commercialized as touch-panel devices. Some new developments in photo-thermal conversions are discussed.
Modern electron optical technology including high resolution microscopy, electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) [3] and energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX) [4] has progressed greatly and supported widely innovative research on nano-materials. Some of typical examples of atomic detailed characterizations of CNTs, graphene sheets and related nano-materials will be presented.
1) S. Iijima, Nature, 345, 56(1991)
2) K. Suenaga, et al., Nature, 468, 1088(2010).
3) K. Suenaga, et al., Nature Photonics, 6, 503(2012).