The 7th MMM International Conference will be held in 6–10 October 2014 at the Berkeley Marina DoubleTree Hotel in the heart of the San Francisco Bay area.
Multiscale materials modeling has grown to become a defined area of materials research with its own history. Six biannual forums of the MMM series held so far have served to overview the current, and steer the future, developments in materials simulations towards more realistic and therefore more complex materials models and computational algorithms.
Given that much of the observed complexity emerges at various microstructural length scales, it appears important for the MMM community to further focus on advancing our understanding of, and capabilities for, modeling material microstructure and its evolution. With this important need in mind, we define the overall theme for MMM 2014 to be “The Microstructural Frontier”.
In reference to the pioneering spirit of the American West, we would like to focus attention of the MMM community on the inadequacy of existing capabilities for quantitative modeling of materials microstructural evolution and on the wide-open and still unexplored horizons for developing the needed capabilities in the future.
Key dates
• Abstract submission deadline: 14 March 2014
• Registration open: 1 May 2014
• Early registration deadline: 1 August 2014
• Late registration deadline: 15 September 2014
Contributions for oral and poster presentations are invited in any of the symposia listed below. Abstracts should be a maximum of one page US letter (215.9 x 279.4 mm) and submitted online. The abstract submission deadline has been extended to 14 March 2014.
A: Multiscale Simulations and Modeling for Integrated Materials Engineering
B: Multiscale Mechanics of Polymers, Soft and Biological Materials
C: Electro-Chemo-Mechanics of Materials: Corrosion, Nanomechanics and Catalysis
D: Predictive Modeling of Irradiation Effects in Structural and Functional Materials
E: Synergies Between Computational Modeling and Experimental Characterization Across Length Scales
F: Friction, Lubrication and Wear Across the Scales
G: Microstructure Complexity and Self-Organization in Materials: A Symposium in Honor of Ladislas Kubin
H: Plasticity from Metal Physics to Material Mechanics
J: Mathematical Theory and Computational Techniques for Multiscale Materials Modeling
K: Multiscale Modeling of Energy Conversion and Storage Materials
Organizing committee
• W Cai, Chair (Stanford)
• G Galli (U Chicago)
• A Arsenlis (LLNL)
• A Minor (UC Berkeley)
• V Bulatov (LLNL)