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5.15】Dr. Xueyuan Zhang
题目:Development of in-situ Raman/TEM/QCM-electrochemistry techniques……
2014-05-09 | 文章来源:材料环境腐蚀研究中心        【 】【打印】【关闭

题目:Development of in-situ Raman/ TEM/ QCM-electrochemistry techniques for the study of passivation film/corrosion product formation and conversion

报告人:Dr. Xueyuan Zhang(张学元)

        Gamry Instruments, 734 Louis Drive, Warminster, PA 18974, USA




Formation and conversion of passivation film/corrosion product on metal plays a main role in the corrosion process, which has been characterized with electrochemical techniques and ex-situ surface analysis techniques for several decades. Even though the passivation phenomenon is well understood from a point of electrochemistry, there are still more arguments in the composition and structure of passivation film/corrosion products on metal. Spectroscopy (e.g., Raman, FTIR) and electron microscopy (e.g. TEM) techniques are powerful for the characterization of passivation film/corrosion products. In this presentation, the development and application of the latest in-situ Raman/TEM/QCM-electrochemistry techniques are introduced and discussed on their application in the passivation film/corrosion products.


Xueyuan Zhang, Ph. D.


Instrumentation Chemist at Gamry instruments from September, 2011.

Main Role: Technical support, development and test of new instrument and new electrochemical techniques.

Senior Research associate staff to study the coolant chemistry and nuclear material at the University of Western Ontario, Department of chemistry, starting from August, 2007

Main Role: Supervise graduates, research project management and lab management.

Visiting Scientist,  Swedish Corrosion Institute, September 1999 to July 2000.

Research scientist in material and corrosion to study hydrogen induced corrosion cracking, Institute of Metals Research, Chinese Academy of Science since 1997.

Research assistant: Institute of Metals Research, Chinese Academy of Science between 1995 and 1996.


PostDoc, University of California at Berkeley (UCB), Department of material sciences and engineering.

Ph.D., Material sciences and engineering, educated at Institute of Metals Research, Chinese Academy of Science and Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden. June 1999.

M.S., Material sciences and engineering educated in Institute of Metals Research, Chinese Academy of Science. Shenyang, China. June 1995.

B.S., Chemistry in JiLin University, 1992.


(1). Development and application of XPS, Auger, Tof-SIMS, TEM/EELS, XRD, SEM, FIB techniques to characterize oxide formed on nuclear material.

(2). Interaction between Radiolysis/Radiation and nuclear materials. Property of nuclear material at high temperature/pressure and radiation.

(3). Modelling approaches include the simulation of the chemical kinetics and transport processes occurring in laboratory scale experiments, e.g. modeling the radiolysis, coolant chemistry with FACSIMILE, OLI software.

(4). Behavior of hydrogen in metal and stress corrosion cracking/hydrogen embrittlement.

(5). Film formation and conversion on the surface of nuclear material in the simulated heat transport systems and modeling with transport and corrosion theory.

(6). Life prediction of battery, nuclear waste package and structure material with the extreme value analysis and corrosion/stress corrosion theory.

(7). Thin film deposition with physical methods (PLS, sputtering) and characterization with a variety of methods (TEM/EELS, SEM, XRD, XPS, Auger/ToF-SIMS, FTIR/Raman, AFM).

(8). Development of in-situ Raman/AFM/SNOM to characterize oxides formation on material.

(9). Influence of grain and micro-structure on the oxides formation on Stellite-6.


He has published nearly 80 papers in the referred journal, one book, one translation of atmospheric corrosion from English into Chinese, one invitation speaker and about 30 conference papers.



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