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6.10】Michael Giersig
题目:Metallic nanostructures for transparent and...
2014-06-09 | 文章来源:催化材料研究部        【 】【打印】【关闭

  题目:Metallic nanostructures for transparent and conductive electrodes for the possible application in photovoltaics

  报告人:Prof. Michael Giersig





  In this presentation we will discuss different physical methods for manufacturing inexpensive, highly conductive and transparent electrodes. In the first method we have used individual silver nanoparticles and their transformation into nanowire networks by microwave or furnace sintering. The nanonetwork electrode, with self-assembled nanoparticles in the valleys between inverse pyramids of the textured silicon surface, shows that this conductive nanowire network electrode is essentially invisible when covered with conventional anti-reflection coatings, and thus, could be employed in photovoltaic applications. In our second method, based on the nanosphere lithography technology, we depict how to fabricate perforated metal electrodes as transparent electrode arrays as an alternative to conductive metal oxide materials. The typical important parameters like optical transmission and electrical conductivity as well as the structural characterization of the electrodes produced by both methods are the focus of the presentation. Typical images of both structures are presented in the gallery below.



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