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6.25】Prof.Alexander Hartmaier
题目:Microstructure-based modeling of deformation and failure of martensitic steels
2014-05-30 | 文章来源:环境功能材料研究部        【 】【打印】【关闭

  目:Microstructure-based modeling of deformation and failure of martensitic steels

  报告人:Prof. Alexander Hartmaier

           Interdisciplinary Center for Advanced Materials Simulation (ICAMS)
  Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany

  间: 625日(周三),9:0011:00




  In order to model the mechanical performance of martensitic steels, which posses a hierarchical microstructure over several length scales, we need to describe plastic deformation of individual microstructural constituents, like laths, blocks and packets.This is accomplished by applying crystal plasticity models for single crystalline regions and by introducing representative volume elements (RVE) of the rather complex microstructures. It will be demonstrated how such RVE-based micromechanical simulations and homogenization methods can be applied to make predictions on macroscopic mechanical properties of tempered martensitic steels. Furthermore, it will be discussed how the relatively large number of input parameters that is needed for such micromechanical modeling can be obtained either by atomistic simulations or by sophisticated micromechanical experiments.



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