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9.3】Prof. Ping Xiao
题目:Study of coatings for high temperature applications in aero-engine and nuclear industry
2014-08-27 | 文章来源:高温合金研究部        【 】【打印】【关闭

题目:Study of coatings for high temperature applications in aero-engine and nuclear industry

报告人:Prof. Ping Xiao

         Materials Science Centre
         School of Materials, University of Manchester, UK




The talk will be devided mainly into two parts: the first part is on study of thermal barrier coatings (TBCs) for aeroengine and power generation application. In this study, the presentation will cover 1) non destructive evaluation of TBCs using impedance spectroscopy, 2) residual stress development in thermal barrier coatings due to thermal treatments; 3) technique development for measurements of TBC adhesion; 4) novel characterisation of TBCs. The second part of the talk will cover study of SiC coatings for nuclear fuel application. The focus of this study involves the mechanical characterisaion of SiC using various advanced techniques. The goal of this study is to develop effective SiC coatings to ensure safe and efficient use of nuclear fuel at high temperature.




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