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12.15】Prof. Wei Li
题目:Fabrication of Microcellular Nickel Foam for Energy Storage Application
2014-12-04 | 文章来源:先进炭材料研究部        【 】【打印】【关闭

  题目:Fabrication of Microcellular Nickel Foam for Energy Storage Application

  报告人:Wei Li, Ph.D., Professor

  单位:Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712

  摘要:Nickel foam is a precursor for graphene foam growth. It can also be used to store thermal or chemical energy. The pore size of nickel foam is important for the performance of these energy storage devices. As the pore size becomes smaller, the response of these devices can be significantly faster, translating to a more efficient charging or discharging process. However, if the pore size is further reduced to the nanometer scale, the foam itself can be unstable and hard to load with functional material. Microcellular nickel foam possesses a unique pore size range that is promising for both thermal energy storage and battery or supercapacitor electrodes. In this talk, I will present our recent work to understand the pore size effect and to fabricate microcellular nickel foams using electroless plating and electroplating techniques.






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