Topic: Nanocarbons in Photocatalysis and Photovoltaics
Speaker: Dr. Cameron Shearer (Flinders Centre for Nanoscale Science and Technology, Flinders University, South Australia)
Time: 11月4日(周三)10:00-11:30
Venue: Room 468, Lee Hsun Building, IMR CAS
Dr Cameron Shearer received his PhD in 2012 from the Flinders University of South Australia with a Thesis entitled “Fabrication and application of carbon nanotube/silicon nanostructures”, for which he won the prize for best PhD Thesis in South Australia. From 2012 to 2014 Dr Shearer worked at the University of Muenster (Germany) with Prof. Dominik Eder on the subject of carbon nanotube – inorganic hybrids for photocatalysis. In 2014, he returned to South Australia to work on an industry project with an Adelaide based submarine battery company and from July 2015 has been working at Flinders University on using carbon nanotubes in photovoltaics. More details can be found at
Flinders Centre for Nanoscale Science and Technology, Flinders University, South Australia
Hybridizing nanocarbons, such as carbon nanotubes (CNTs) or graphene, with an active material is a powerful strategy towards designing next-generation functional materials for environmental and sustainable energy applications. This talk will outline my research on nanocarbons and their composites and hybrids with focus on their controlled synthesis via sol-gel and atomic layer deposition, as well as their application in photocatalysis and photovoltaics.

1. C. J. Shearer, A. Cherevan, D. Eder, “Application of Functional Hybrids Incorporating Carbon Nanotubes or Graphene” In “Carbon Nanotubes and Graphene”, 2nd Edition, Tanaka, K.; Iijima, S., Eds. Elsevier: UK, 2014
2. C. J. Shearer, A. Cherevan, D. Eder, “Application and Future Challenges of Functional Nanocarbon Hybrids”, Advanced Materials, 26(15): 2295-2318 (2014).
3. N. Kemnade, C. J. Shearer, D. J. Dieterle, A. S. Cherevan, P. Gebhardt, G. Wilde, D. Eder, “Non-destructive functionalisation for atomic layer deposition of metal oxides on carbon nanotubes: effect of linking agents and defects”,. Nanoscale 7, 3028-3034, (2015).
4. A. S. Cherevan, P. Gebhardt, C. J. Shearer, M. Matsukawa, K. Domen, D. Eder, “Interface engineering in nanocarbon inorganic hybrid photocatalysts”, Environmental and Energy Science, 7, 791 (2014).
5. L. Yu, D. D. Tune, C. J. Shearer, J. G. Shapter “Implementation of antireflection layers for improved efficiency of carbon nanotube-silicon heterojunction solar cells” Solar Energy 118, 592-599 (2015)
6. L. J. Larsen, C. J. Shearer, A. V. Ellis, J. G. Shapter, “Solution processed graphene-silicon Schottky junction solar cells” RSC Advances 5(49), 38851-38858, (2015)