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2.26】Dr.-Ing. Christoph Schiffers 题目:PVD- and CVD-coatings for cutting tools and components
2016-02-21 | 文章来源:功能薄膜与界面研究部        【 】【打印】【关闭

TopicPVD- and CVD-coatings for cutting tools and components

SpeakerDr.-Ing. Christoph Schiffers CemeCon, Germany

Time: 9:30-11:30  (Fri.) Feb. 26th, 2016 

Venue: Room 468, Lee Hsun Building, IMR CAS 

Welcome to attend!


Sputter technology offers ultra-smooth, 100% droplet-free and adhesive PVD-coatings up to 15 μm thickness.Diamond-Multilayer coatings are offered up to 20 μm thickness.All coating units work economically, fast and reliable, offer highest capacity for cutting tools and are available for high-precision tools in small and large quantities. They offer fully automatic operation around the clock and fast and simple change from one coating system to another in less than 30 min.All PVD coatings can be produced on one machine flexibly by using metals, transition metals, oxides, ceramic materials such as TiB2 and B4C and DLC coatings. Also research and development will find a large variety of use. The coatings units are easy to operate, upgradeable and have a very compact design


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