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7.22】Prof. Donghai Wang
题目:Development of Functional Composite Materials for Energy Storage Applications
2016-07-20 | 文章来源:先进炭材料研究部        【 】【打印】【关闭

题目:Development of Functional Composite Materials for Energy Storage Applications

报告人:Prof. Donghai Wang (The Pennsylvania State University)



Development of Functional Composite Materials for Energy Storage Applications

Donghai Wang
Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering
Department of Chemical Engineering
The Pennsylvania State University

Electrical energy storage (EES) technologies are a key enabler to the future smart grid, particularly with the increasing penetration of renewable intermittent energy such as solar and wind energy. Similarly, EES technologies must be incorporated if transportation is to be partially or even totally electrified such as in plug-in hybrid and all electric vehicles. Li-ion batteries dominate portable electronic device and are the most likely EES system for transportation and small-scale stationary application; however, a large increase in the storage capability is needed, combined with lower cost and longer life.  Today’s intercalation based Li-ion batteries now are approaching their limits. My group is interested at development of new materials and technology for electrochemical energy storage application with emphasis on developing the functional composites and understanding the effect of controlled structure, interface and composition on its electrochemical performance. The presentation will cover development of cathode and electrolyte for Li-S battery and micro-sized Si-C composites for Li-ion anode and understand structure-property relationship for its excellent energy density and cycling stability of the batteries.


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