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11.11】Prof. Michael J. Zehetbauer
Topic: Recent Science on Bulk Nanostructured Materials Optimizing Mechanical and Functional Properties
2016-11-08 | 文章来源:材料疲劳与断裂研究部        【 】【打印】【关闭

Topic: Recent Science on Bulk Nanostructured Materials Optimizing Mechanical and Functional Properties

Speaker: Prof. Michael J. Zehetbauer
University of Vienna, Austria

Time: 10:30-11:30, Friday, November 11, 2016

Venue: Room 249, Lee Hsun Building, IMR, CAS

Welcome to attend!


The group has been traditionally concerned with fundamental research on plastic deformation of materials. During the 1980’s the group was working in plasticity of metals at large strains which let it – together with other groups - pioneering the field of Severe Plastic Deformation (SPD) providing bulk nanostructured materials with outstanding mechanical properties. Recent activities concentrate on further improving the ductility of such materials, and also on establishing new paths of strengthening them e.g. by agglomeration of SPD generated vacancies e.g. in materials where SPD nanocrystallization is not possible. SPD induced lattice defects also are in focus of the group’s efforts in optimizing functional properties such as hydrogen storage in metals, and thermoelectricity in semiconductors. Last not least, thanks to recent powerful developments of X-ray line profile analysis methods, the group discovered so far unknown mechanisms of dislocation mediated plasticity of semicrystalline polymers which allow to systematically improve their mechanical properties.



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