题目:Sustainable solutions for all climate energy storage devices
报告人:张山青,澳大利亚Griffith University 教授
时间:12月21日(星期三) 16:00-17:00
Large energy capacity, high power density and low cost energy storage device are critical for the electrification of the transportation and energy infrastructures. Recently, many types of rechargeable battery technologies such as aqueous lead-acid batteries based on conversion reactions and organic lithium ion batteries (LIBs) based on intercalation have been developed. Sustainable natural products (such as gum Arabic, sodium alginate, guar gum and xanthan gum) and derivatives (such biochar) are incorporated into modern electrode manufacturing technology, eliminating the use of organic solvent and achieving aqueous electrode fabrication, large areal loading and energy density. The findings in this work offer promising strategies to silicon anode, sulfur cathode, address the long-standing inherent wide-temperature issues of rechargeable batteries and extends the potential application of sodium ion batteries.

张山青,澳大利亚Griffith大学环境学院,清洁环境与能源中心,教授。1990年毕业于中山大学,获理学学士学位,2001年在澳大利亚Griffith大学获博士学位。2009年获Australia Research Council Future Fellowship,现任澳大利亚Queensland华人科学家与工程师协会副主席。多年来张教授致力于纳米传感器与各种储能以及光伏器件研究。其开发的水体分析传感器已被大规模商用,在环境分析领域做出了突出贡献。近年来,张教授致力于锂离子与钠离子电池的研究,通过使用水性天然粘合剂及设计新一代有各种官能团的粘合剂来增强电池粘合剂的力学及离子、电子导电性,从而增强电池的电化学和循环性能。多项研究成果刊登在Energy and Environment Sciences, Advanced Energy. Materials, Nano Letter, Journal of the American Chemical Society, Advanced Energy Materials, Nano Energy, Nano Research, Analytical Chemistry, Journal of Catalysis, Environmental Science and Technology, Chemical Communications等国际著名期刊发表论文110余篇(3000余次引用,H-因子35),授权国际专利5项,并获得多项重大科研奖励与澳大利亚联邦科研基金。