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3.28】Prof. Yonggang Huang
题目:Mechanics-guided stretchable electronics and deterministic 3D assembly
2017-03-24 | 文章来源:沈阳材料科学国家(联合)实验室        【 】【打印】【关闭

题目:Mechanics-guided stretchable electronics and deterministic 3D assembly

报告人:Prof. Yonggang Huang
      Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
      Department of Mechanical Engineering,
      Department of Materials Science and Engineering
      Northwestern University, Evanston,USA


时间:2017年3月28日(周二) 下午14:00  

Yonggang Huang is the Walter P. Murphy Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering, and Materials Science and Engineering at Northwestern University.  He received B.S. from Peking University and Ph.D. from Harvard University.  He is interested in (1) mechanics of stretchable and flexible electronics, and (2) mechanically guided deterministic 3D assembly.  He has published 2 books and more than 500 journal papers, including 9 in Science, 3 in Nature, and 1 in Cell.  He recent honors and awards include members of the US National Academy of Engineering (2017) and European Academy of Sciences and Arts (2010); Prager Medal (2017) and Young Investigator Medal (2006) from the Society of Engineering Sciences; Nadai Medal (2016), Drucker Medal (2013), Richards Award (2010), Melville Medal (2004) and Larson Award (2003) from American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME); Guggenheim Fellowship (2008); and International Journal of Plasticity Medal (2007).  He is a ISI Highly Cited Researcher in Engineering (2009) and a ISI Highly Cited Researcher in Materials Science (since 2014).  He is the Editor of Journal of Applied Mechanics (Transactions of ASME), a member of the Executive Committee of the ASME Applied Mechanics Division (Chair, 2019-2020), and was the President of the Society of Engineering Science in 2014.



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