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6.2】Prof. Amir Eliezer
Topic:What's beyond corrosion on biomedical implants
2017-06-01 | 文章来源:材料环境腐蚀研究中心        【 】【打印】【关闭

题目:What's beyond corrosion on biomedical implants

报告人:Prof. Amir Eliezer
          Shamoon College of Engineering, Israel



Abstract:  Corrosion affects the lives of every person, often significantly. If not controlled, the consequences of corrosion can be disastrous for human health, safety and the environment.  The key to addressing corrosion is, in fact, to increase awareness of the issue.  As long as modern life develops, corrosion costs will exist; therefore, the main challenges are to provide corrosion education for engineering students as well it's need for modern products.  Such is essential to understand once biomedical devices are being designed and manufactured according to the regulation and human needs to improve the human life. 

Prof. Amir Eliezer has studied B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D. in Materials Engineering (Summa Cum Laude)  and an additional M.B.A.  He has received several awards and recognitions including the H. H. Uhlig 2013 award.  He is an academic staff Member of the Mechanical Engineering at SCE – Shamoon College of Engineering, Israel.  He has published more than 200 scientific publications and received distinguished academic-industrial international research grants.  Currently he holds the positions of Dean, The Authority for Research & Development, Director, Corrosion Research Center, Nano-Bio & Advanced Materials, and Director, Entrepreneurship and Innovation Center at SCE.  He is the former President of the WCO and the Chair of NACE International European Area.



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