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9.21】V. Paidar
题目:Dislocations in disicides as MoSi2
2017-09-13 | 文章来源:钛合金研究部        【 】【打印】【关闭

题目:Dislocations in disicides as MoSi2

报告人:V. Paidar
         Institute of Physics AS Prague, Czech Republic




Transition-metal disilicides are potential materials for applications at ultra-high temperatures owing to their very high melting temperature combined with their relatively low density. MoSi2 has been studied in most details because it can deform plastically even at and below the room temperature. Among a number of slip systems, the most common are {013)<331], {110)<111], {101)<010], {100)<010] and {203)<010], nevertheless, the most active is {013)<331], the operation of which leads to the above mentioned low temperature ductility. The attention is focused on the dislocation structure and mechanical properties starting from the ab initio calculations of generalized stacking faults and examining the properties of dissociated total dislocations.


University Education
   Diploma in Physics (MSc), Charles University, Prague, 1969
         Diploma work: Dispersion Relations for Plasmons
   Candidatus Scientiarum (PhD) in Physics, Institute of Physics, 
         Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague, 1975
         Thesis: Ordering in Fe-Si Alloys
   Doctor Scientiarum (DrSc), Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, 1990
         Thesis: Planar Defects in Crystalline Materials

Professional Career
   1964 - 1969  Student at Charles University, Prague
   1969 - 1975  Research Officer and Graduate Student at the Institute of Physics,
                Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague
   1975-present Research Scientis, Institute of Physics, Prague
   1985- 2000  Head of the Metal Physics Department, Institute of Physics, Prague

Visiting Positions
   1978: Spring Colege on Physics of Modern Materials, International Center of Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy, 3 months
   1980-1981, 1994-2000: Visiting Scientist, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA, 12+6x1 months
   1988: Fellow of the Matsumae International Foundation, Institute for Solid State Physics, University of Tokyo, Japan, 6 months
   199l-1995: Visiting Scientist at the Centre d'Elaboration de Matériuax et d'Etudes Structurales, CNRS, Toulouse, France, 5x1 months
   1995-2001: Laboratoire de Métallurgie Structurale, Université Paris-Sud, Orsay, France, 4x1 months
   1996 - 2004: Visiting Scientist, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Kyoto University, Japan, 4x2 months

Related Scientific Activities
   1992-2002: Editorial Board of the International Journal “Interface Science" (Kluwer Academic Publishers)
   Since 1993: Editorial Board of “Revue de Métallurgie - Science et Génie des Matériaux"
   Since 1994: Representative of the Institute of Physics AS CR in the ”Centre for the Research of New Materials and Technologies”
   1994-2001: Head of the Committee for the Candidatus Scientiarum (PhD) Awards
   1998: Chairman of the Int. Conf. "Intergranular and Interphase Boundaries in Materials", Prague
   2006-2010: Editor of the International Journal “Intermetallics“ (Elsevier)

   1988 Prize of the Presidium of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences for the study of "Plastic Deformation and Migration of Grain Boundaries in Bicrystals"

Current Research
   Mechanical properties of materials, in particular plastic deformation, atomic structure of extended linear and planar defects including dislocation processes, structure and properties of grain boundaries, migration and segregation effects, plasticity of bicrystals, superplasticity, structure and properties of intermetallics, computer modelling of crystal defects and interfaces.

Recent Results
   Analysis of the effect of stacking-fault-like interfaces on plastic deformation of B2 intermetallics.
   Explanation of the behaviour of interfaces in disilicides, materials for applications at ultrahigh temperatures.
   Generalization of displacive processes forming dislocations to diffusionless phase transformations.

Edited Books
   Structure and properties of crystal defects, Elsevier, Amsterdam 1984, (with L. Lejček)
   Intergranular and Interphase Boundaries in Materials, TranTech, Lausanne 1999, (with P. Lejček)

Research Publications (totally 218)
   108 in impacted journals
   29 in non-impacted journals
   76 in conference proceedings
    5 chapters in scientific books

Number of total citations 1857

H-index 19



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