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9.26】Prof. Kenong Xia
Topic: Powder consolidation, multiphase/multiscale materials and...
2017-09-20 | 文章来源:材料疲劳与断裂研究部        【 】【打印】【关闭

Topic: Powder consolidation, multiphase/multiscale materials and novel structures/compositions achieved by severe plastic deformation

Speaker: Prof. Kenong Xia
          Department of Mechanical Engineering, Melbourne School of Engineering,
          University of Melbourne, Australia

Time: 14:00-15:30, Tuesday, Sep. 26, 2017

Venue: Room 468, Lee Hsun Building, IMR CAS

Welcome to attend!


Severe plastic deformation (SPD) based processes have shown great potential in producing bulk ultrafine and nanostructured materials. Although most of the research has been focused on grain refinement, SPD processes such as equal channel angular pressing (ECAP) and high pressure torsion (HPT) are increasingly used to achieve other objectives including powder consolidation, creation of novel structures and compositions through deformation induced phase transformations, production of multi-phase and/or multi-scale materials and solid-state recycling.

Using examples from our research in the past decade, various SPD applications other than grain refinement are presented. In particular, bulk pure Al and Ti, Al/Ti alloys, Al nanocomposites are synthesised by SPD consolidation of particles, unusual structures including fcc are created in Ti by mechanical activation and forced alloying, nanocrystalline beta Ti alloys are produced by the assistance of SPD induced phase transformation, and Ti machining chips are recycled in the solid state. Challenges and opportunities are discussed.



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