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9.25】Prof. David StJohn
题目:The interdependence between constitutional supercooling and nucleation during the solidification of light alloys
2018-09-18 | 文章来源:材料疲劳与断裂研究部        【 】【打印】【关闭

Topic: The interdependence between constitutional supercooling and nucleation during the solidification of light alloys

Speaker: Prof.  David StJohn
    Centre for Advanced Materials Processing and Manufacturing (AMPAM),
    School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering,
    The University of Queensland, Australia

Time: 10:30-11:30, Tuesday, Sep. 25, 2018

Venue: Room 468, Lee Hsun Building, IMR CAS

Welcome to attend!


Grain refinement of light alloys is an important technology for the production of high integrity cast products with improved mechanical properties. During the seminar the interdependence between the development of constitutional supercooling, growth restriction and subsequent nucleation on potent nucleant particles will be presented. This will be followed by the application of the developed theoretical understanding to aluminium, magnesium and titanium alloys.

Short Biography of Emeritus Prof David StJohn

Professor StJohn’s main interests are the solidification and microstructure-property relationships of Al, Mg and Ti alloys and he has published over 350 papers in journals and conference proceedings. He has held appointments in Canada, RMIT University and CRA-Advanced Technical Development in Perth as well as a long association with UQ. Prof StJohn has made a significant contribution to developing research – industry partnerships. For example, the CAST Cooperative Research Centre becoming CEO from August 2002 until 2008, the Defence Materials Technology Centre (DMTC) in 2008 and initiated the Centre for Advanced Materials Processing and Manufacturing (AMPAM) at UQ in 2009. Current industry partners include Magontec, Cook Medical, Bluescope Steel, Nihon Superior and Baosteel. Funding was also received from the Queensland State Government and the Australian Federal Government for the Advanced Engineering Building (AEB) and he was Chair of the Project Control Group for the construction of the AEB, completed in 2013. He was awarded the John Campbell Medal in 2014, the Materials Australia Silver Medal in 2011, the Amercian Society of Metals Henry Marion Howe Medal in 2006 and the TMS Magnesium Technology Award in 2003. Prof StJohn is currently Emeritus Professor at The University of Queensland.



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