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2.22】吕军 教授
题目:STEM for New Materials Structure Determination
2019-02-20 | 文章来源:陶瓷及复合材料研究部        【 】【打印】【关闭

报告题目:STEM for New Materials Structure Determination

报 告 人:吕军教授,瑞典林雪平大学




Analytical Scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) is a powerful technique for materials analysis and characterization. Z-contrast STEM images show atomic positions, as well as chemical composition information in the material structure. It can not only characterize the detailed atomic structures of defects, grain boundaries, interface structures,1 but also directly determine the crystal structures of new materials. To date, a certain number of new materials: Mo2Ga2C,2 o-MAX phases: Mo2TiAlC2, Mo2Ti2AlC3,3 Mo2ScAlC2, i-MAX phases: (Mo1.3Sc0.7)AlC,4 (Cr1.3Sc0.7)AlC, (Cr1.3Y0.7)AlC,5 Ti3AuC2, Ti3IrC2,6 … have been uncovered by STEM.



1.Lu J, Kota S, Barsoum WM, Hultman L, Materials Research Letters, 5 (2017)9 235.

2.Hu C, Lai CC, Tao Q, Lu J, Halim J, Sun L, Zhang J, Yang J, Anasori B, Wang J, Sakka Y, Hultman L, Eklund P, Rosen J and Barsoum MW, ChemComm. 51 (2015) 6560.

3.Anasori B, Halim J, Lu J, Voigt CA, Hultman L and Barsoum MW, ScriptaMaterialia 101 (2015) 5.

4.Tao QZ, Dahlqvist M, Lu J, Kota S, Meshkian R, Halim J, Palisaitis J, Hultman L, Barsoum MW, Persson POA and Rosen J, Nature Communications 8 (2017) 14949

5.Lu J, Thore A, Meshkian R, Tao Q, Hultman L and Rosen J, Crystal Growth & Design, 17 (2017) 5704.

6.Fashandi H, Dahlqvist M, Lu J, Palisaitis J, Simak Sim Abrikosov IA, Rosen J, Hultman L, Andersson M, Spetz AL, and Eklund P, Nature Materials, 16 (2017) 814.


吕军博士1984年毕业于上海交通大学材料科学与工程系,1987年毕业于金属研究所,1998年获瑞典乌普萨拉大学博士学位。现任职于瑞典林雪平大学,长期从事透射电镜对薄膜材料、块体材料的显微结构研究。近年对纳米层状碳化物及其相应的二维纳米材料的晶体结构展开系统研究,已在Nature Materials、Nature Communications、Science Advances、PRL、JACS、Advanced Materials等刊物发表275篇SCI文章,2013年获Ross Coffin Purdy奖。



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