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8.28】罗锋 教授
题目:Micro/Nano Fabrication and Ultra-Precision Manufacturing for Applications in Magnetic Hard Disk Storage, Magnetic Random Access Memory (MRAM)
2019-08-27 | 文章来源:先进炭材料研究部        【 】【打印】【关闭

报告题目:Micro/Nano Fabrication and Ultra-Precision Manufacturing for Applications in Magnetic Hard Disk Storage, Magnetic Random Access Memory (MRAM)

报告人:罗锋 教授 (西班牙马德里高等研究院纳米研究所)



  Micro/Nano Fabrication and Ultra-Precision Manufacturing for Applications in Magnetic Hard Disk Storage, Magnetic Random Access Memory (MRAM) 




A brief review over technologies focused on micro/nano fabrication and ultra-precision manufacturing has been descried for patterning devices in 10 nm tech-node and beyond. For applications in magnetic recording, a bit patterned media (BPM) consists of arrays of nanoscale magnetic islands where each bit of information is stored in an individual island, thus the entire bit volume defines the anisotropy energy rather than the volume of individual grains. Here we demonstrated that extreme Ultra-violet interference lithography (EUV-IL) has particular advantages for the fabrication of BPM due to the possibility to create the high resolution structures over large areas with a high throughput. This study will allow us to gain a valuable insight into the nanoscale switching behavior, giving an indication of the potential of XIL as a method of producing patterned media for future storage applications. For application in MRAM below sub-20 nm node by EUV/electron beam lithography, critical etching process has been fully discussed for mass production.


罗锋博士2010年12月加入马德里高等研究院纳米研究所,2013年12月提前获得研究教授(终身教职副教授),2016年6月晋升为资深研究教授(终身教职正教授)。本课题组在工业应用领域关注于超高密度的磁存储如硬盘(HDD),非易失性(Non-Volatile)的磁性随机存储(MRAM)的关键技术以及微机电系统/纳机电系统(MEMS/NEMS)磁光/磁电传感器阵列技术。与硬盘企业希捷(Seagate) 日立全球技术中心/西部数据(Hitachi GST/West Digital);磁性随机存储研究机构比利时微电子中心(IMEC)/法国能源署信息技术实验室磁自旋技术部(CEA-LETI-SPINTEC)以及企业eVaderis/Leuven Instruments/上海磁宇;半导体企业 华为,小米,磁电传感器公司Crocus/Hprobe与纳米压印公司GermanLitho等均保持紧密的合作伙伴关系。主要研究成果如下:[1]发表SCI收录论文50篇, JCR Top期刊24篇 (一作/通讯 11篇),引用1756次, H因子18;[2]参与21个科研项目项目, 6个作为项目负责人,仍在实施的10个科研项目累计获得资金已超过一百万欧元;[3]在微纳加工技术/超精密制造装备与超高密度磁存储关键工艺取得一些有代表性的工作:1)7nm node极紫外(EUV)光刻技术曝光剂研发,7nm Node/13nm周期EUV干涉光刻(IL)工艺,用于EUV/X-ray阵列技术的Si3N4掩模制造工艺; 2)利用EUVIL制备出光学方法所能得到的20nm 最小二维点阵用于下一代的磁记录介质;3)8/12 英寸下一代Sub-20nm 自旋转移转矩磁性随机存储芯片STT-MRAM工艺(与最好的三星工艺技术相媲美),50nm分辨率, 1:7.5全球最高的深宽比结构的8/12英寸纳米压印装备用于磁传感器阵列工艺;4)与GermanLitho/ 天仁微纳科技和Leuven Instrument产学研合作,共同开发出专注于磁传感器阵列/MRAM 2/4/6/8英寸纳米压印专用设备和8/12英寸RIE/IBE双刻蚀技术磁性材料专属刻蚀装备。


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