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10.10】Prof. Mingxin Huang
Topic: Dislocation engineering: a new alloy design strategy
2019-10-08 | 文章来源:材料动力学研究部        【 】【打印】【关闭

Topic: Dislocation engineering: a new alloy design strategy 

Speaker: Prof. Mingxin Huang 

     Department of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Hong Kong 

Time: 10:30-12:00, Thursday, October 10, 2019 

Venue: Room 249, Lee Hsun Building 

Welcome to attend! 


Improving the strength of alloys frequently results in a reduction in ductility, which is known as the strength-ductility trade-off in metallic materials. Current alloy design strategies for improving the ductility of ultrahigh-strength alloys mainly focus on the selection of alloy composition (atomic length scale) or manipulating ultrafine and nano-grained microstructure (grain length scale). The intermediate length scale between atomic and grain scales is the dislocation length scale. A new alloy design concept based on such dislocation length scale, namely alloy desgin by dislocation engineering, is illustrated in the present work. This dislocation engineering concept has been successfully substantiated by the design and fabrication of a deformed and partitioned (D&P) steel with a yield strength of 2.2 GPa and an uniform elongation of 16%. In the D&P steel, high dislocation density can not only increase strength but also improve ductility. 



发表 SCI 期刊论文 100 余篇,包括Science 1篇)、 Acta Materialia 16篇)、Scripta Materialia15篇)、JMPS3篇)、International Journal of Plasticity3篇)。担任Met. Mater. International编辑、MMTA MST JMSTJOMMRL期刊编委 。荣获2018年美国TechConnect全球创新奖、2018 香港大学杰出青年学者奖、2018香港大学优秀研究成果奖、2017年中国科技新锐人物、2017年港大工学院卓越知识交流奖、201520162018 ACTA/Scripta Materialia杂志年度最佳审稿人等。 


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