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10.25】Prof. Sai Gu
题目: The rise of machine
2019-10-21 | 文章来源:先进炭材料研究部        【 】【打印】【关闭

题目:The rise of machine

报告人:Professor Sai Gu (University of Surrey)

时间:10月25日(周五) 10:30-11:45



Professor Sai Gu is the Head of School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering and Director of Centre for Connected Plants of the Future. He obtained a Ph.D. in Material Modelling from the University of Nottingham and did his post-doc research at the University of Cambridge. Professor Gu has an international reputation for clean energy and material research, currently leading a number of EPSRC-funded projects focused on the development of advanced bio-energy and carbon capture technologies. He has a long track-record of coordinating large collaborative projects with international partners and has successfully won over £10 million in grants from EPSRC, EU, Innovate UK and industry. His talk will explore the radical changes and profound impact from artificial intelligence in research, society and humanity.


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