报告题目:In situ neutron diffraction studies on microstructure evolution and deformation mechanisms in metals
报告人:Dr. GONG Wu, Kyoto University & J-PARC Center, Japan
报告时间:2020年8月13日(周四)晚间7:30 (北京时间)
报告链接:腾讯会议 https://meeting.tencent.com/s/p0Hdmqnu3hPq
会议ID:683 305 834,会议密码:110016
Mechanical properties, as the principal properties of structural metallic materials, are governed by the microstructures. To track the structure-property relationship associated with various solid-solid reactions, i.e., phase transformation, recrystallization and plastic deformation is crucial for the development of structural metallic materials. Such dynamic solid-solid reactions occurred at various extreme environments including Thermomechanical Controlled Process (TMCP), cryogenic deformation, fatigue, etc., are nearly impossible to be directly observed by the conventional techniques. Compared with electron and X-ray beams, neutron beam has higher penetrability that can probe materials with large volumes. By combining the high-power pulsed neutrons and advanced sample environments, neutron diffraction has become as the most promising technique to reveal various structural information including phase fraction, lattice strain, texture, dislocation density, etc. in bulky materials in real time. In the presentation, the author would like to introduce several recent studies associated with microstructure evolution and deformation mechanisms in steels and magnesium alloys performed by in situ neutron diffraction.
龚武,男,1982年生,湖南湘乡人。2009年赴日本茨城大学Tomota Yo教授研究室学习并于2012年获得博士学位。2012年4月至2016年3月,于日本原子力机构散裂中子源(J-PARC)从事博士后工作,2016年4月至今,任日本京都大学Nobuhiro Tsuji教授研究室特定研究员, 特定准教授。2012年4月至今一直服务于J-PARC的工程材料中子衍射谱仪(BL19 TAKUMI),主要从事装置开发以及相关研究工作。以如何最大化中子衍射法在工程材料开发和研究中的应用为目标,对多种金属材料的组织控制机理以及强韧化问题进行了深入的研究。发表学术论文40余篇,以第一作者在Acta Materialia、Scripta Materialia、International Journal of Plasticity等学术期刊上发表多篇论文。