报告题目:Atomic supherheterodyne receiver based on microwave-dressed Rydberg Spectroscopy
报 告 人: 胡颖 教授
时 间:3月12日(周五),下午14:00
地 点:师昌绪楼408会议室
In this talk, I will present our recent achievement in the quest ofelectromagnetic-wave quantum sensors that simultaneously offer super-high sensitivity, SI-traceability, and phase resolutions. In particular, we have developed a conceptually new microwave sensor based on microwave-dressed Rydberg atoms and engineered optical spectrum [1]. This new sensor scales favorably,making the minimum detectable microwave field three orders of magnitude smaller than what can be reached by existing atomic electrometers. It enables SI-traceable measurements, reaching uncertainty levels that have been inaccessible so far with atomic sensors. It moreover enables a high precision in sensing Doppler frequencies. This innovative sensing technique will benefit a wide range of fields such as quantum simulation, quantum metrology, and radio astronomy.
[1]. M. Jing et al, Nature Physics 16, 911–915 (2020)
胡颖,山西大学量子光学与光量子器件国家重点实验室教授,国家人才计划入选者。主要从事量子模拟、拓扑态、非平衡量子多体物理、量子传感等领域的理论研究。研究成果发表在Nature Physics及Phys. Rev. Lett.等期刊。