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【5.9】Speaker: Dr.Srdjan Nesic
Topic: Combined EIS/ToF/SIMS investigation of iron dissolution mechanisms in weak acid chloride solutions 
2024-05-07 | 文章来源:材料腐蚀与防护中心        【 】【打印】【关闭

Topic:Combined EIS/ToF/SIMS investigation of iron dissolution mechanisms in weak acid chloride solutions 

Speaker: Dr. Srdjan Nesic,FNACE/AMPP  

Ohio University Distinguished Professor 

Russ Professor of Chemical Engineering 

Director,Institute for Corrosion and Multiphase Flow Technology,Ohio University

Time:9:00,(Thur.) May 9th,2024

Venue: East conference Room,2nd floor,Research Building in South Campus,IMR CAS 



Dr. Nesic has published extensively in the field of corrosion,including 18 articles in books,some of which are reference sections in the best-known corrosion handbooks such as: Uhlig's Corrosion Handbook and Shriers's Corrosion,covering corrosion and erosion with applications in the oil and gas industry. He is the author of 160+ peer reviewed journal papers,260+ conference papers and 100+ scientific reports in the field of corrosion. His publications have received over 19,000+ citations. He is a Fellow of NACE/AMPP and serves as the Associate Editor at theCORROSION journal published by NACE as well as at the Corrosion Science Journal published by Elsevier.


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