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·【9.10】刘碧录 博士:Carbon Nanotubes and Two-Dimensional Semiconductors: From Controlled Synthesis to E... [2015/08/31]
·【9.2】功能材料沙龙第19期活动 [2015/08/31]
·【9.8】海外人才走进科学院活动学术报告—苏鑫博士 题目:Publishing in Materials Science [2015/09/06]
·【9.9】纳米力学研讨会 [2015/09/06]
·【9.8】生物材料沙龙第6期活动 [2015/09/02]
·【9.1】师昌绪系列讲座:郑明光院长 题目:国家重大专项大型先进压水堆核电站CAP1400研发 [2015/08/31]
·【8.28】材料衍射与成像沙龙第22期活动 [2015/08/21]
·【8.26】海外人才走进科学院活动学术报告--兰波博士 题目:Texture determination from ultrasound for HCP an... [2015/08/24]
题目:A new non-destructive readout by using photo-recovered surface potential contrast
·【8.24】赵冰冰博士 题目:New approach to introduce L12-ordered precipitation to alumina-forming austeni... [2015/08/21]
·【8.21】生物材料沙龙第5期活动 [2015/08/19]
·【8.20】海外人才走进科学院活动学术报告--周承商博士 题目:镁基氢化物储氢性能的研究及金属氢化物蓄热系统的... [2015/08/18]
·【8.20】Dr. John Plummer
题目:Recent developments at Nature Publishing Group
·【8.18】Prof. Kyoo Young Kim
题目:Innovative Alloy Design to Prevent Intergranular Corrosion of Ferric...
Klaus-Peter Dinse教授
·【8.14】材料计算模拟沙龙第46期活动 [2015/07/24]
·【8.11】功能材料沙龙第18期活动 [2015/07/30]
·【8.11】开发下一代二次电池——钠离子, 锂液流,锂空气电池等新型二次电池 [2015/08/11]
·【7.30】师昌绪系列讲座 [2015/07/27]
·【7.29】电化学技术沙龙第5期 [2015/07/15]
·【7.27】功能材料沙龙第17期活动 [2015/07/24]
·【7.23】Prof. Evan Ma
题目:Elevating the tensile ductility of high-strength metals and glasses
·【7.22】Prof. Yuegang Zhang
题目:Chemical Routes toward Long-Lasting Lithium/Sulfur Cells
·【7.20】Dr. Cui-Zu Chang
Topic: The Route to Pure Dissipationless Quantum Anomalous Hall State
·【7.20】Xu Hai-Xuan
题目:Long-Term Defect Evolution in Iron-based Alloys...
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