立足于前期在碳纳米管/聚合物复合材料领域的丰富积累,利用碳纳米管的高长径比和优异电热传输特性,结合对复合材料导电网络的优化设计,研制出具有耐热性、耐大电流特性的碳纳米管/聚合物复合材料及热敏电阻器件;有效解决了传统炭黑/高密度聚乙烯热敏电阻材料面临的耐热性差、工作温度低、热循环稳定性差等难题。与现有商业化热敏电阻相比,其具有无铅、耐高压、耐冲击、长寿命、热稳定性好等显著优势,热转变温度高达160度以上,耐电压、耐电流性能分别提高178.5%和128.6%,可应用于要求耐高温、耐高压、耐大电流的场合,如大规模集成电路、电力传输、通信与通讯等领域。 本技术已申报多项国家发明专利,如一种耐高温的热敏电阻高分子复合材料(ZL200510047997.7,2009年授权)、一种耐大电流的热敏电阻聚合物复合材料及其制备方法(申请号201010558096.5,2010年);论文《碳纳米管/聚合物复合材料的制备及正温度系数效应》获得第20 届中国炭-石墨学术会议优秀论文一等奖;该技术与金锐电子材料有限公司、三顺精细化工有限公司开展产学研合作,探索进一步的推广应用。
Figure 1. Microstructure of CNT/HDPE composites and fabrication schematic of the thermistors. (a) SEM image of CNTs shows a large aspect ratio of over 100. (b) SEM image of HDPE matrix. (c) SEM image of the CNT/HDPE composites with a 10 wt.% CNT loading reveals a uniform dispersion of CNTs throughout theHDPE matrix. (d) Optical images of the CNT/HDPE thermistors after and before package. (e) Fabrication schematic of the CNT/HDPE thermistors consists of melt-mixing, hot-pressing, and packaging procedures.
Figure 2. Electrical resistivity (ρ) of the CNT/HDPE composites as a function of (a) CNT loadings and (b) temperature; (c) electrical resistance of the CNT/HDPE thermistors at room temperature; (d) voltage-current curves of the CNT/HDPE thermistors, implying a typical PTC effect induced by applied voltages; (e) hold current and (f) hold voltage of the thermistors as functions of CNT loadings. 发表论文刊物:Y. Zeng*, G. X. Lu, H. Wang, J. H. Du, Z. Ying, C. Liu. Positive Temperature Coefficient Thermistors Based on Carbon Nanotube/Polymer Composites. Scientific Reports, 2014, 4: 6684-1-7. |