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中国科学院金属研究所  副研究员
中国材料研究学会疲劳分会  理事




2013.09-至今  中国科学院金属研究所,副研究员
2014.02-2015.01 日本九州大学,特任助教
2011.07-2013.09 中国科学院金属研究所,助理研究员
2004.09-2011.07 中国科学院金属研究所,材料物理与化学,工学博士
2000.09-2004.07 山东大学,材料科学与工程学院,工学学士




研究了层错能对铜合金及钢铁材料强韧性的影响,分析了铜合金中孪晶界的疲劳开裂机制,揭示了材料强度与硬度的一般关系,提出并验证了低周疲劳与寿命预测的滞回能模型。在Nature Commun.Acta Mater.Appl. Phys. Lett.Sci. Rep.Scripta Mater.等SCI期刊上发表学术论文40余篇,到2016 年10月为止,发表论文累计被引用600余次,单篇论文最高他引120余次。


Zhang, P., Zhang, Z. J., Li, L. L., Zhang, Z. F., Twin boundary: Stronger or weaker interface to resist fatigue cracking?, Scripta Mater. (Viewpoint), 66 (2012) 854-859.

Zhang, P., Li, S. X., Zhang, Z. F., General relationship between strength and hardness, Mater. Sci. Eng., A529 (2011) 62-73.

Zhang, P., An, X. H., Zhang, Z. J., et al., Optimizing strength and ductility of Cu–Zn alloys through severe plastic deformation, Scripta Mater., 67 (2012) 871-874.

4  Shao, C. W., Zhang, P.*, Liu, R., et al., Low-cycle and extremely-low-cycle fatigue behaviors of high-Mn austenitic TRIP/TWIP alloys: Property evaluation, damage mechanisms and life prediction, Acta Mater., 103 (2016) 781-795.

5  Shao, C. W., Zhang, P.*, Liu, R., et al., A remarkable improvement of low-cycle fatigue resistance of high-Mn austenitic TWIP alloys with similar tensile properties: Importance of slip mode, Acta Mater., 118 (2016) 196-212.

6  Li, L. L., Zhang, Z. J., Zhang, P., et al., Controllable fatigue cracking mechanisms of copper bicrystals with a coherent twin boundary, Nature Commun., 5 (2014).
7  Zhang, Z. J., Zhang, P., Zhang, Z. F., Cyclic softening behaviors of ultra-fine grained Cu-Zn alloys, Acta Mater., 121 (2016) 331-342.

8 Li, L. L., Zhang, P., Zhang, Z. J., et al., Strain localization and fatigue cracking behaviors of Cu bicrystal with an inclined twin boundary, Acta Mater., 73 (2014) 167-176.

9  Li, L. L., Zhang, P., Zhang, Z. J., Zhang, Z. F., Effect of crystallographic orientation and grain boundary character on fatigue cracking behaviors of coaxial copper bicrystals, Acta Mater., 61 (2013) 425-438.

10  Zhang, Z. J., Zhang, P., Li, L. L., Zhang, Z. F., Fatigue cracking at twin boundaries: Effects of crystallographic orientation and stacking fault energy, Acta Mater., 60 (2012) 3113-3127.

11  Li, R. H., Zhang, Z. J., Zhang, P., Zhang, Z. F., Improved fatigue properties of ultrafine-grained copper under cyclic torsion loading, Acta Mater., 61 (2013) 5857-5868.

12  Li, L. L., Zhang, Z. J., Zhang, P., et al., Distinct fatigue cracking modes of grain boundaries with coplanar slip systems, Acta Mater., 120 (2016) 120-129.

13  Liu, R., Zhang, Z. J., Zhang, P., Zhang, Z. F., Extremely-low-cycle fatigue behaviors of Cu and Cu–Al alloys: Damage mechanisms and life prediction, Acta Mater., 83 (2015) 341-356.

14  Tian, Y. Z., Li, J. J., Zhang, P., et al., Microstructures, strengthening mechanisms and fracture behavior of Cu–Ag alloys processed by high-pressure torsion, Acta Mater., 60 (2012) 269-281.

15  Tian, Y. Z., Zhao, L. J., Park, N., Liu, R., Zhang, P., et al., Revealing the deformation mechanisms of Cu–Al alloys with high strength and good ductility, Acta Mater., 110 (2016) 61-72.


版权所有 中国科学院金属研究所 辽ICP备05005387号