报告题目:The Peculiar Flat World with Cold Atoms
主讲人:梁兆新 项目研究员(磁性材料与磁学研究部)
时 间:7月16日(周二) 15:00—17:00
地 点:工艺楼 403 会议室
With a very original use of geometrical notations, the English writer Edwin Abbott imagined a social life in a two-dimensional world in his world-famous novel 'Flatland' published in 1884. Long after Abbott's visionary allegory, physics has provided a practical path for exploring low-dimensional worlds. Physically, compared with three dimension (3D), dimension reduction alters the density of states and topology of the system, leading to dramatically enhanced quantum and thermal fluctuations. These have profound influences on the phase and the order of the system.
In past few years, significant advances in cold-atom experiments have revolutionized current studies of many-body quantum systems. Because of their optimal tunability and cleanness, ultra-cold atoms have provided an ideal playground for testing the long-standing problems in solid state physics, high-energy physics, etc. Moreover, quasi-low-D ultra-cold atomic systems have been created using tight confinement, which sidestep the issues of disorder and decoherence that often plague solid state physics. The latest development with the atom-molecule-optics (AMO) technique enables precise experimental access of the system's energy and length-scale hierarchy via manipulating the trap frequency and interatomic scattering, thereby stimulating the research on the dimensional crossover. The talk will discuss some aspects along this research line, from a theoretical perspective, which covers our main research interests in both past few years and near future.